Tag: family fun


Sopapilla Bars

Recipe for Sopapilla Bars

(Crunchy on the Outside, Creamy on the Inside)

Finding a unique dessert to impress others can be a tall task. Cakes, brownies and cookies are classics but can be boring and repetitive. When you want something easy, delicious and made to impress, think outside the sweet treat box. Next time you’re … read more

A male cedar waxwing passes a berry to a female during a courtship display.

The Bird That Likes to Party

Much like people and domesticated animals, wild birds have their own personalities, unique to each species. Some are introverts, preferring a solitary life. Others appreciate their independence, but loosely associate with a few feathered friends. Then there are the extroverts that spend much … read more


strawberry ice cream

Recipe for an Easy-to-Make Summer Sweet: Strawberry Ice Cream

When it’s beyond hot outside and the kids are begging for a delicious afternoon snack, sometimes it’s difficult to know where to turn. The pantry is full and the refrigerator is stocked, yet nothing sounds appetizing when it’s scorching outside. Combining three simple … read more



How to Enjoy ‘Playtime’ as an Adult

While most of us associate playtime with childhood, adults are increasingly acknowledging the importance of play and leisure time for themselves. A new survey commissioned by The Genius of Play and conducted by OnePoll finds that 89percent of adults have learned to appreciate … read more

Marina at Jarrell Cove State Park

A Day Trip to Harstine Island

“Suri is the Bengal tiger. Tabbi is the Bengal/Siberian hybrid,” a felid-savvy guide introduces the two wild cats. “Your smells and movements are new so you’re part of today’s enrichment. It’s good for them.” Suri (at nearly 300 pounds) studies visitors through the … read more


key lime pie

Coconut Key Lime Pie: The Perfect Summertime Pie

Summer is the time to relax, refresh and indulge in sweet and heavenly treats. While you’re lounging poolside and watching the kids play, enjoy a cool, creamy and absolutely divine dessert that’s perfect on a hot day. This luscious Coconut Key Lime Cream … read more


swimming classes

Swimming Safety Tips for Summer

Playing in or around water is one of the joys of summer, but this treasured seasonal pastime comes with some serious risks. Drowning is the second-leading cause of accidental death for children under the age of 14 in the United States, according to … read more


Skansie Brothers Park

Gig Harbor Brings Back Summer Concerts, Outdoor Movies

The City of Gig Harbor Tourism Department is bringing back the much-loved summer series of concerts and movies at Skansie Park for 2021. Due to state guidelines, both series were unable to occur in 2020. Both events, Summer Sounds at Skansie and Friday … read more

Top of Eisenhower Mountain, Living Desert
Travel Bug

Treasure Hunt in the Coachella Valley

Finding the Hidden Gems of the Greater Palm...

Washingtonians love the oasis of greater Palm Springs. Many “snowbirds” winter in the California desert known as the Coachella Valley. Others come for a “rain getaway,” enjoying a few days to golf and lying next to the pool. With over 300 days of … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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