Tag: events

Key Pen Farm Tour

Key Peninsula Farm Tour and Fiber Arts Show

Established in 2006, the Key Peninsula Farm Tour is your opportunity to visit local farms for a variety of activities, from local vendor shopping to demonstrations. The oldest farm tour in Pierce County, KP Farm Tour has been extended to two days this … read more


Olympic Performance Group

‘Immigration Stories’ — a Choreographic Historical Odyssey

Retelling One Family’s Forced Migration Created by Alex Ung Saturday, September 14 @ 7:30 p.m. One Night Only at Bainbridge Performing Arts (BPA) Olympic Performance Group brings the new, dynamic group The Guild Dance Company of Seattle to Bainbridge Island to perform newly … read more


bremerton fly-in

Bremerton Airport Hosts Fly-In and Car Show

The Port of Bremerton’s Bremerton National Airport is hosting the annual Fly-In and Car Show on Saturday, Aug. 31, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. General admission and parking are free. The morning will start with a pancake breakfast from Chapter 406 of … read more


Heronswood Gardens

Heronswood to Host Summer Nights in the Garden

Heronswood Garden is launching Summer Nights in the Garden, a new concert series that will feature musicians playing against the backdrop of one of the world’s most acclaimed botanical garden. The series kicks off on Thursday, Aug. 15 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. … read more

Northwest Stone Sculptors Symposium

Stone Carvers in Action at Northwest Stone Sculptors Symposium

A gentle breeze wafts through the tall trees surrounding the cluster of cabins, tents and canopies in the forest not far from Port Orchard. Friendly voices are mixed with the knock and rattle of air compressors and the rat-ta-tat-tat of hammers, drills and … read more


Pressing Marine Greens

The Art of Science — Pressing Marine Greens

The pairing of seaweed science and art may sound like an unlikely combination, but on May 28, 30 event-goers got a taste of the fun at a seaweed pressing workshop in Bremerton. WSU Kitsap Extension, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the SEA … read more


B-25 Bomber

Wings of Freedom Tour Returns to Bremerton National Airport

The Port of Bremerton will host the Collings Foundation’s Wings of Freedom tour from Monday, June 17, to Wednesday, June 19. These historic war planes will be returning to the Bremerton National Airport to give visitors the opportunity to explore, learn more about … read more

Gig Harbor Garden Tour

Gig Harbor Garden Tour

Gardeners seem to be some of the happiest and nicest people on Earth. There is something euphoric about getting one’s hands in the soil, planting little sprouts and seeds, and watching them become beautiful, living things. As if that weren’t enough to make … read more

Brasil Comes to You

Brasil Comes To You

Sandra Rocha Evanoff first became familiar with the Kitsap County Medical Society when she attended a newcomers’ spring party. Later that year she attended her first KCMS fund raising event. The following year she offered a Brazilian meal prepared in the purchaser’s home. … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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