Tag: craftsmanship


Review Website Warning

The Pitfalls of Using ‘Review’ Websites to Help Choose Your Building or Remodeling Contractor

You’ve seen them online, and the ads on TV. Use their website to get reviews before you hire a builder or remodeler (or a doctor, dentist etcetera). Their “list” can save you lots of headache, the ads claim. But how do these sites … read more


Teak Furniture

How to Restore the Color of Teak Furniture

A client who has a 1960s Danish oiled-teak dining table was recently inquiring how to safely restore the original color of the furniture. The table has dark spots in several places, and the client wanted to know what to do to get back … read more

Completed kitchen remodel
The Anatomy of a Remodel

Understanding What It Takes To Do the Job Right

Second Installment to 'How Much is that Puppy...

Studies show that the No. 1 complaint that consumers have about remodeling is not the cost but rather the time it takes to complete a project. Remodels by their very nature can be slightly unpredictable, in that you can never be 100 percent … read more


When Buying a 'Flip' Can Be a 'Flop'

When Buying a ‘Flip’ Can Be a ‘Flop’

If you have been looking at a new home, you may have felt like you were in an episode of House Hunters. Outdated wallpaper, horrible shag carpet, kitchens and baths out of the 1950s. You might feel ready to give up. But then, … read more


June is a great time to start quilting-or indulge your creative side.

The Annual Quilt Shop Hop Gives Quilters Another Excuse to Shop, Be Creative

West Sound and the greater Western Washington region are a hub for creativity, including the timeless art of quilting. In recent decades, the $30 billion craft industry has included a resurgence of quilting, attracting quilters of all ages, genders and skill level. Quilters … read more


Top 4 Remodeling Mistakes

The Top 4 Remodeling Mistakes You Don’t Want to Make

After years of dreaming and planning, you’re ready to remodel your house into the home of your dreams. Before you take the plunge, keep these four important mistakes far away from your project. 1. Not fully researching your remodeler By skipping this step, … read more


Forever Home with a View — Rebuilding to Suit Lifestyle on Hood Canal
Forever Home with a View

Rebuilding to Suit Lifestyle on Hood Canal

When Kathy and Bill Cole bought their Seabeck home more than a decade ago, they knew they would need to remodel sooner rather than later. Built in the 1980s, the home still sported the signature look of the era — shag carpeting, lots … read more

The kitchen in this photograph combines recessed can lights, pendant lights and under-cabinet lighting, providing layers of lighting that can be added or subtracted at a flip of a switch. (Photo courtesy Stone Lighting Design)
The Basics of Lighting and Lighting Design

Let There Be Light

Light, be it natural or artificial, impacts productivity, safety, moods, as well as the sense of aesthetics. You can design a beautiful home or landscaped yard but if it is not properly illuminated, it may all be for not. The following is an … read more

Timeless or Trendy?

Timeless or Trendy?

Timeless styles form a beautiful background for fun,...

Trendy has gotten a bad rap of late. My design clients and readers of my blog (www.SanctuaryAndStyle.com) often tell me that they can think for themselves. “I know what I like and I don’t need to follow trends,” they declare. Does that sound … read more

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