Tag: bremerton

Parking in Bremerton

Parking in Bremerton

“Don’t waste your time reading this. I mean, put this down and walk away, and I am serious. This even wastes my own time. It’s more than you wanted to hear, and it’s more than I ever wanted to write, but I said … read more

Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Memorial Plaza

Bremerton’s Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Memorial Plaza

One of the outstanding public spaces in Kitsap County is right in the heart of downtown Bremerton — the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Memorial Plaza, a wonderful block-long park adjacent to the north end of the shipyard near the ferry terminal. The park … read more


reusable bags

Get Ready to Bring Your Own Bags for Shopping in Kitsap

It’s time to stock up on those reusable bags. Starting Jan. 1, most of Kitsap County stores will go plastic-free for their carryout bags, and will start charging for paper bags. New laws restricting use of plastic carryout bags will go into effect … read more


bremerton fly-in

Bremerton Airport Hosts Fly-In and Car Show

The Port of Bremerton’s Bremerton National Airport is hosting the annual Fly-In and Car Show on Saturday, Aug. 31, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. General admission and parking are free. The morning will start with a pancake breakfast from Chapter 406 of … read more

Vibe Coworks

Co-Working Becoming the New Way to Do Business

Charlie King may be the quintessential co-working space participant. An admitted extrovert who operates his own coaching consultancy in Kitsap County, King joined OfficeXpats on Bainbridge Island four years ago and has never looked back. “Working at home was somewhat isolating, especially in … read more

Delightfully Remodeled Tudor

Delightfully Remodeled Tudor in Bremerton

Fresh eyes see new possibilities and that is undoubtedly true of Blake (from Texas) and Jennifer (from Tennessee) Yarbrough. They met while studying music at the University of Cincinnati. After graduation, Blake joined the U.S. Navy Band as a French horn musician, and … read more

Adventurous Waterfront Remodel
Cover Feature

Adventurous Waterfront Remodel

In contemplating retirement, Kevin and Cheri McCorkle considered options: buy a recreational vehicle and hit the road, maybe tackle more exotic travel or simply remodel their home of 15 years. They chose the remodel. Little did they know that they were embarking on … read more

Boat Shed

The Boat Shed at Manette — An Eclectic Mix of Fine and Casual Dining

Celebrating its 40th year in business, the Boat Shed Restaurant at the base of the Manette Bridge is fast becoming the latest destination eatery for locals and Seattleites alike. From the humble beginnings as a longtime bait shop discovered in the late 1970s … read more

Biz in Bremerton

Biz in Bremerton

It started out at my ArtHouse in Bremerton with a casual afternoon tea party with a few friends, each having had an art business in Bremerton around the turn of the new century. We wanted to talk about the changes in Bremerton and … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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