Tag: 0009

Axe & Arrow Gastropub

The Sophisticated-Rustic Axe & Arrow Gastropub

Two Army guys and a fireman walk into a concrete box — and about a year later, they have turned the empty box into Bremerton’s newest and most successful emerging businesses. The Axe & Arrow Gastropub is the latest addition to the Quincy … read more

This fantastic little shrub fits into small spaces, but the flowers are as large as any other mophead hydrangea. (Photo courtesy Debbie Teashon)

New Plants for a New Year

Avid gardeners have a lot to celebrate in the New Year — a fresh garden season and innovative, new plant introductions for the garden. Here are some exciting new varieties to look for at your local garden centers. If you don’t find them … read more

Stratus in-line ventilation by Faber
Design|Build 2020A

Appliances 101 — Selecting the Right Appliances for You and Your Home

Choosing appliances can be a daunting task but it doesn’t have to be if you do your homework by brushing up on your appliance vocabulary. As with any successful project, it is all about planning. The following is devised to be an overview … read more

Design Trends 2020
Cover Feature

Design Trends in 2020 — Advice from the Experts

So many new trends coming our way for 2020. It’s been exciting to watch design ideas evolve. See what’s coming in new designs from colors and furniture to flooring and surfaces. Every year, we gather our panel of design experts to discuss what … read more

Family Media Room
Design|Build 2020A

The Family Room — Home Theater and More

Today's technology provides an enhanced home-entertainment experience and...

Those wireless devices and the flat-screen TV you own are pretty cool, but your grandparents and great-grandparents were pretty cool in their day too. In the early 1900s, they listened to the top pop tunes of the day on the technological marvel of … read more

Tropical Livingston on the Carribean
Travel Bug

Central America’s Diamond in the Rough — Discovering Guatemala

Colorful and shy Mayan women go about their day, much the same way they have for centuries in Guatemala. Within the country, there are 21 indigenous groups, many existing in traditional style. But look around and you find a more modern Mayan/Spanish ethnic … read more


Canisters With a Twist

It might seem that the subject of kitchen canisters would be a piece of cake — big, cute containers everyone has. But like usual, the story became complicated as I was drawn into the world of complacency, as far as everyday kitchen items. … read more

From the Ashes

From the Ashes

A Hansville homeowner turns devastation into opportunity

The smoke alarm never sounded. One minute Cynthia Allen was working on her laptop; the next, smoke was rising into the room. A faulty light fixture in the basement below turned Allen’s quiet day of work into panic, loss and more than a … read more

Kitsap History Museum

A Journey Back through Kitsap Time

To really understand a place, take a look at its past. Knowing what things were like a century or two ago gives us clues to how we got to where we are today. A trip to the Kitsap History Museum in downtown Bremerton … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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