Tag: 0009

Silhouette treatment application
Design|Build 2021B

Choosing Window Treatments

Window treatments have been used to provide important light and climate control for interior spaces for centuries. Throughout the past, this interior layer has been made from different materials with various hanging methods. Dating back to the great Egyptians, coverings were made of … read more

Our Daily Bread

Rye — An International Favorite

Fragrant, wholesome and wonderfully delicious, rye bread is as varied as the many cultures that enjoy it. From deep, dark, chewy pumpernickel to light rye with caraway seeds, rye breads are staples in many countries, while only featured occasionally in others. Probably the … read more

Best of West Sound

Best of West Sound Results 2021

WestSound Magazine presents the annual Best of West Sound results for 2021! Entries have been submitted from Bainbridge Island all the way to Gig Harbor. On this page we’ve listed the businesses and places you love the most. Enjoy! Best Restaurant Crabtree Kitchen+Bar … read more


pets and plants

20 Pet-Safe House Plants and Their Health Benefits for Humans

Editor’s note: This is an excerpt from “50 Pet-Safe Plants + Their Health Benefits For Owners,” originally published by Honest Paws. Check out the article for the list of 40 more pet-friendly plants for your home and your garden. Published with permission. When … read more

Sharon Feeney

Sculptor Turns Stone into Art that Calls to Be Touched

When you first see Sharon Feeney’s stone sculptures, you might think she’s been making art most of her life. But, in fact, she began sculpting in stone a mere 14 years ago. How it all began “is actually sort of a woo-woo story,” … read more

Crossland Lush Garden Makeover

A Lush Garden Makeover

You’ve seen the photos in ads for miracle makeovers: the plain little face “before” and voilà! the lovely visage “after.” That same message can be applied to gardens, as was the case with this miraculous makeover of Susan and David Crossland’s garden in … read more

Scott and Lyn Scherer

Living High on Art and the Hi-Fi Spectrum

The Animals sang, “We gotta get out of this place” — and years later, Scott and Lyn Scherer resonated with their angst. After living in Carnation for 15 years, the couple sprung into action due to the increasingly dreadful traffic situation. Thus began … read more

The Artful Ewe II

The Artful Ewe

A wonderland for fiber artists of all skills...

Port Gamble is a community of transformations. The two jade-green water towers, historically the source of the company town’s water supply, currently serve as its greeting sentinels. The old meat and vegetable market adjacent to those structures now houses The Artful Ewe, modern-day … read more

Rouser Forever Home

Slow and Steady Builds a Forever Home

A stunning Bainbridge Island property provides lessons in...

They knew it was trouble from the start. The lot, narrow and sloping, was a big gamble, and Jeff and Meisha Rouser realized there were easier places to build their forever home. Just getting an estimate for the groundwork was a problem; the … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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