Tag: 0009

Successful Remodel

How to Ensure a Successful Remodel Project in 2022/2023

Homeowners and remodeling contractors alike have found themselves in the “perfect storm” as market dynamics for construction and more specifically, remodeling, have changed in recent years. Let’s investigate the causes and effects of this economic phenomenon and how you can develop realistic expectations … read more


Plants Deer Don’t Eat (The World’s Shortest List)

She tiptoed across my yard on slender legs. Pausing demurely, she batted her big, doe eyes at me. Such a pretty thing. Such grace. I wanted to be her friend. “Have an apple,” I said, and shook the tree until apples rained down. … read more

Design Trends 2022

Design Trends in 2022

Advice from West Sound Design Experts

Every year, we gather our panel of design experts to discuss some of the hottest design trends. In 2022, expect to see natural-looking finishes, natural materials like wood, and more recycled and upcycled choices for the environmentally conscious. Comfort is the key for … read more

The Gentlemen Gardeners

The Gentlemen Gardeners

Two “gentlemen gardeners” maintain a delightful garden at their home on Bainbridge Island. Jim Stokes and Roland Mitlohner didn’t become active gardeners until after retirement, although they both had gardening in their blood from an early age. Mitlohner, who grew up in Czechoslovakia … read more

Disney Dream Home

Considering Dream Homes

When is a dream home not a dream home? This sounds like a rhetorical question but in the case of Bob and Heyjin Disney, it’s relevant. Their company, Disney and Associates, builds approximately 25 luxurious, semicustom houses a year. So for Bob Disney, … read more

Noah’s Ark Restaurant

Good Food Served Fast at Noah’s Ark Restaurant

When the doors open at 11 a.m. at Bremerton’s Noah’s Ark Restaurant, most weekdays there is a line of patrons waiting to get inside, place their orders and sit down for a hearty lunch. With the Navy yard lunch period starting early, regulars … read more

Christmas Kringle
Our Daily Bread

A Kringle for Christmas

The official pastry of Wisconsin, the Danish kringle, is found in nearly every bakery in the Midwest. It’s baked, packaged and sold across the country during the holidays, from Thanksgiving through New Year. Even Trader Joe’s has started carrying its brand nearly year … read more

Beth Hill Home

A New House on an Old Family Homestead

Coming home can mean many things. It can be a holiday gathering. It can be family banding together to help with a temporary setback. It can even be an adult child who’s now back in the basement. But for Beth Hill of Poulsbo, … read more

AZEK composite decking. Design by A Kitchen That Works LLC. (Photo courtesy Northlight Photography)

Building the Deck of Your Dreams

Office al fresco or simply a COVID-safe space to relax and commune with family and friends — many Americans are devoting time and financial resources to creating an outdoor living experience in their own backyards. Driven in part by the COVID-19 pandemic and … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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