Tag: 0002

Timeless or Trendy?

Timeless or Trendy?

Timeless styles form a beautiful background for fun,...

Trendy has gotten a bad rap of late. My design clients and readers of my blog (www.SanctuaryAndStyle.com) often tell me that they can think for themselves. “I know what I like and I don’t need to follow trends,” they declare. Does that sound … read more

Anna’s hummingbird

Hummingbirds of Winter are not The Same

Hummingbirds may appear dainty because of their diminutive size, but these dazzling visitors to local gardens are bursting with energy. And they need to refuel often to maintain their dizzying blur of activity. But those who love hummingbirds are always sad when the … read more

Snowbirds, Fly South with Ease

Snowbirds, Fly South with Ease

It’s that time of year when the kids go back to school, the leaves start falling and people put away their summer clothes away and bring out sweaters, scarves and boots. But there’s a large contingent of folks who after years of enduring … read more

“Coming in for a landing” (Photo courtesy Paul Carlson)

Western Bluebirds and Your Fall Chores

Fall migration of most Pacific Northwest birds has completed — from the huge shorebird population, to the area warblers and many other migrants from Oregon, Washington, British Columbia to Alaska. They have raised successful broods and are now heading south to winter over … read more

Living Christmas Trees

Living Christmas Trees

Rooflines outlined with fairy lights, porches festooned with pine and cedar garlands, and holly bushes brightly displaying their red winter berries remind us the holidays are fast approaching. Nothing says “Christmas” like a beautiful pine or fir tree, laden with shiny glass balls, … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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