Tag: 0002


Gig Harbor Farmers Market

Gig Harbor Farmers Market Evolution Leads to Indoor Location

It’s been a bit like musical chairs for the Gig Harbor Farmers Market during the last two decades, and 2014 is no different. But this time, the new location for the popular Saturday market is a great fit. And hopefully, a permanent one. … read more


Get Ready for West Sound’s Festival Season

The sunshine is finally here to stay — and just in time for the launch of West Sound’s lineup of community festivals. Gig Harbor’s Maritime Gig and Poulsbo’s Viking Fest are behind us. But there are still plenty of celebrations left on the … read more


A retractable, flush-mount range hood made by Imperial Kitchen

Clearing the Air Regarding Fans: How to Ensure Yours Works Properly

Most homeowners have a hate-hate relationship with their exhaust fans, be it the one in the bathroom or the one in the kitchen, and as a result they are seldom used. Exhaust fans are designed to remove moisture, grease and particulates from your … read more


A fly angler prepares to release a one of Puget Sound's treasures: a wild sea run cutthroat.

Fly Fishing Has Broad Allure, Is Easy to Learn

Upcoming free seminar can help you determine if...

With perhaps only the exception of blue-water, big-game fishing, no other method of angling is as steeped in mystique as fly fishing. The allure of fly fishing is vast and varied. Some folks are drawn to the almost-meditative qualities of fly-casting, which can … read more

Bainbridge In Bloom

Bainbridge In Bloom

The Bainbridge Island Arts & Humanities Council is celebrating creativity at the 2014 Bainbridge in Bloom garden tour. Open 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. on July 11 – 12, the event features exquisite gardens and live music throughout the tour. Highlight of this … read more


Things to Know Before Buying a Hybrid

Things to Know Before Buying a Hybrid

Gas/electric hybrid cars have come a long way from the geeky-looking Honda Insight and the original Toyota Prius. Today, there are hybrid choices by almost every manufacturer in almost every market segment, from compact two-seaters to full-size, nine-passenger SUVs. The greatest number of … read more


2015 Volvo XC90 Interior Front

New 2015 Volvo XC90 Launch now Underway

One of Volvo’s’ most anticipated car launches of recent years — the all-new XC90 – has officially begun. Consumer insights have led to the development of many of the interior features of this all-new SUV — including style details first previewed in three … read more

Conserve and Save Money, Too!
Abigail's Corner

Conserve and Save Money, Too!

This spring, I had a chance to spend some quality time with an energy-efficiency consultant, who also happens to be my brother-in-law. But that’s neither here nor there. Anyway, I was able to pick his expert mind about what average homeowners can do … read more

Orchard Mason Bees

Orchard Mason Bees — Fascinating Creatures

The orchard mason bee, or blue orchard bee, is the western native pollinator that appears each year in late winter and early spring to pollinate all the early blooming fruit trees and flowers. Its scientific name, Osmia Lignaria Propinqua Cresson, describes the insect … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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