People & Places

West Sound has an incredible number of talented artists, interesting people, fascinating places and popular destinations. We love to share their stories with our readers. These articles are only a sample of what we have in WestSound Magazine each issue — subscribe to the print version to see all of what we have to offer!

The Waypoint on Bainbridge Island
Local Projects

The Waypoint on Bainbridge Island

Welcome to a series of articles we will write on unique, innovative and creative park and public space projects in West Puget Sound that contribute to our community in terms of quality of life. We hope to identify the community leadership, the project’s … read more

Keyport Mercantile

A Perk of the Merc — A Century of Coming Together

For more than a hundred years, the Keyport Mercantile has stood as the heart and soul of its community. Affectionately known as “the Merc,” the business has ridden out the rise and fall in the fortunes of its hometown alongside the people it … read more

Roxy Theater

Now and Then — Roxy Theater

First-run movies and folks who once lined up around the block to get in at the Roxy Theater have long been faded memories. The double-sided, age-worn, empty marquise, the towering vertical sign with missing letters and the huge, old “ROXY” sign — which … read more

West Sound's Vintage Shops
West Sound's Vintage Shops

Everything Old Is Cool Again

Vintage style is hot, and vintage shops are abundant in West Sound. Finding that perfect mix of eclectic and elegant, shabby and chic, or upcycled and uptown is easy with the collection of vendors and vintage experts right in your own neighborhood. Vintage … read more

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor — March/April 2015

Wonderful magazine and staff What a great magazine! I love all the beautiful gardens, interesting articles on local people and events. It was a privilege to be included in the autumn issue’s “Cooking Is a Family Affair.” It was fun to work with … read more

2015 CVG Show at the Admiral
Community Scene

The 2015 CVG Show at the Admiral

Each year, Collective Visions Gallery invites fine artists from Washington to participate in a statewide juried art competition, the CVG Show. Many community businesses and organizations join with the gallery to recognize and award substantial prizes to the finest artists. From the many … read more

Margie and Jerry Breunig — Dedicated Gardeners
Cover Feature

Margie and Jerry Breunig — Dedicated Gardeners

Margie and Jerry Breunig have shared a lifetime love of plants. She was originally from Seattle but moved to California in her 20s. He was from Southern California but fell in love with this area during visits. They met in their 30s, married … read more


Historical Plants of West Sound

West Sound, known as the Kitsap Peninsula and the Great Peninsula, has a rich agricultural and horticultural history. The glaciers left rich earthen deposits behind; the forest duff provided rich tilth and the two combined to make wonderful soils. Just the right amount … read more

Windows to the Past — Ole and Ellen Kvinsland Farm
Windows to the Past

Ole and Ellen Kvinsland Had a Farm…

Ole and Ellen Kvinsland would bust their buttons if they could see their homestead now. If they climbed into a time machine and dropped by for a visit, they’d find lots of changes to the old farmhouse, but they’d also find the important … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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