People & Places

West Sound has an incredible number of talented artists, interesting people, fascinating places and popular destinations. We love to share their stories with our readers. These articles are only a sample of what we have in WestSound Magazine each issue — subscribe to the print version to see all of what we have to offer!

Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Memorial Plaza

Bremerton’s Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Memorial Plaza

One of the outstanding public spaces in Kitsap County is right in the heart of downtown Bremerton — the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Memorial Plaza, a wonderful block-long park adjacent to the north end of the shipyard near the ferry terminal. The park … read more

Key Pen Farm Tour

Key Peninsula Farm Tour and Fiber Arts Show

Established in 2006, the Key Peninsula Farm Tour is your opportunity to visit local farms for a variety of activities, from local vendor shopping to demonstrations. The oldest farm tour in Pierce County, KP Farm Tour has been extended to two days this … read more

Furnish Bainbridge

Three Unique Stores, One Eco-Minded Entrepreneur

Buy American-built furniture and upholstery slipcovers to reduce your impact on global warming. Not the typical sales pitch if you’re in the market for a new sofa. However, a conversation with Bainbridge Island entrepreneur and designer Mary Terry can be very convincing. You’ll … read more

Former Austin family home, now the Christmas Shop

The Beach Basket Gift Shop 50 Years in the Making

A great many things have changed since 1969: the world, technology, the Kitsap Peninsula, Gig Harbor. But The Beach Basket, a mainstay iconic retail store in Gig Harbor, has remained. Since 1969, The Beach Basket and the Schmidtke family have toiled through all … read more

Beautiful rainbow
Travel Bug

A Visit to the Amazon Rainforest

Let's Bungle in the Jungle

Visiting the Amazon Rainforest is akin to being a teeny insect in the greatest biodiverse area on the planet. It’s humongous and you will never see it all — 2.1 million square miles. One-fifth of the freshwater flowing into the Earth’s oceans comes … read more

Vibe Coworks

Co-Working Becoming the New Way to Do Business

Charlie King may be the quintessential co-working space participant. An admitted extrovert who operates his own coaching consultancy in Kitsap County, King joined OfficeXpats on Bainbridge Island four years ago and has never looked back. “Working at home was somewhat isolating, especially in … read more

Paddling in the clear turquoise water
Travel Bug

Belize as a Group Kayak Adventure

Close your eyes and imagine water as blue as turquoise. Sand shimmering like diamonds. Sunsets glowing like amber. Jungles glistening like emeralds. No, it’s not a fantasy land of rare gemstones in a mystical story. This is Belize. Beautiful, colorful, friendly Belize on … read more

Northwest Stone Sculptors Symposium

Stone Carvers in Action at Northwest Stone Sculptors Symposium

A gentle breeze wafts through the tall trees surrounding the cluster of cabins, tents and canopies in the forest not far from Port Orchard. Friendly voices are mixed with the knock and rattle of air compressors and the rat-ta-tat-tat of hammers, drills and … read more

Chico Salmon Park

Chico Salmon Park

Chico Salmon Park is a wonderful 4.5-acre park located near the entrance to the Kitsap Golf & Country Club, at the intersection of Golf Club Road and Chico Way. Each year, an average of 15,000 to 25,000 chum and coho salmon migrate through … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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