Bainbridge in Bloom 2015

Bainbridge in Bloom

On Friday and Saturday, July 10 and 11, Arts & Humanities Bainbridge will once again welcome the public into exquisite private landscapes at Bainbridge in Bloom. Open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. with live music throughout the tour, the six stunning gardens … read more


Dog And Park Bench

Why Procrastination in the Garden Can Be a Good Thing

Procrastination. Generally a dirty word, and yet, it doesn’t always have to be. I have plenty of experience in the field, and have come to the conclusion that in gardening, procrastination can be a beautiful thing. Like the time I left a pile … read more

Mural at the Port Orchard Library
Art in Public Places

Mural at the Port Orchard Library

The mural on the Port Orchard Library wall is strategically placed at the town’s transit hub. In 1990, Port Orchard’s centennial, Seattle muralist Eric Grohe was commissioned to paint a scene depicting the town’s history. At one end, a seafaring man stands at … read more


Harbor WildWatch

Harbor WildWatch launched Steward Club

There is a new way for local residents and businesses to support environmental education in their community — through the Harbor WildWatch Steward Club. With unique programs available to the public year round, Harbor WildWatch has been delivering science education on the Gig … read more

Olympic Music Festival

Olympic Music Festival — Concerts in the Barn

Located on a 55-acre farm on the Olympic Peninsula in a restored vintage dairy barn, the setting is enchanting and the concerts feature world-class classical music performances all summer long. The grounds and barn are beautiful, and the barn has a rich history. … read more

Burrata Bistro and Paella Bar
Two Cuisines — One Great Experience

Burrata Bistro and Paella Bar

Drive too fast through downtown Poulsbo, and you’ll likely miss the double restaurant in a solid-cement building on the edge of Front Street. But once you’re there, depending on which of two sides you choose, you’ll either discover an upbeat setting (at Paella … read more


Kids In The Kitchen

Kids and Kitchens: A Healthy Mix

It’s that time of year when farmers markets are in full swing, offering up a full complement of healthy, locally grown foods. Are you getting your recommended daily allowance of nutrients? What about your kids? Instilling good eating habits in our children is … read more

Seattle as Living Art — A Rockaway Beach Home

Seattle as Living Art

In this art-filled Rockaway Beach home, the view...

The Space Needle, Pike Place Market, rainy streets and the Puget Sound: Seattle is an artist’s wonderland. As local gallery enthusiasts know, there are countless ways to capture the charm of the city’s streets and skyscrapers with paint and brush. However, while watercolors … read more


Grilled Steak Recipe

Food and Wine Pairing Tips for Your Memorial Day Party

Memorial Day heralds the start of grilling season. Perfect your fireside techniques and enhance outdoor dining by learning how to pair wine with grilled dishes. “The right wine makes every meal better, especially with meals cooked on the grill,” says Michael Trujillo, president … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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