Silver Salmon

Tips for Successful Salmon Fishing

Through summer and into fall, salmon begin their annual migrations to their natal streams for spawning. July and August angling is focused on chinook (kings) and coho (silvers) and in odd numbered years, pinks (humpies). Being an even-numbered year, pinks are not available … read more

Tricycle planted with begonias, ferns and impatiens

Dress Up the Summer Garden

A summer without annuals is like a spring without flowering bulbs. It is time to dress up a drab garden in a kaleidoscope of summer color with seasonal plants. When a garden passion turns into an obsession, you can fill gardens and containers … read more


How to Properly Clean Your Shower Liner

How to Properly Clean Your Shower Liner

If your vinyl shower curtain liner has developed black spots, especially in some of the folds, it is probably mildew rather than dirt. It’s perfectly OK to wash it in your washer. Most good-quality vinyl shower curtain liners will survive years of washing. … read more



Studying the color aqua was like being on a trampoline with 8-year-olds at a family reunion picnic: wild, silly, unpredictable and lovingly memorable. It is the chorus line headliner, the sleeping giant or the softest pillow. Aqua doesn’t steal the scene — it … read more


Wheelbarrow full of lady's mantle flowers.

Staying One Step Ahead of Your Garden so You Can Enjoy It

As the days of summer heat up, the last thing we want to do is work hard in the garden. This is the time to enjoy it, play in the sprinklers and hang out with friends. Here are a few tips to help … read more


July and August Mean Crab For West Sound Anglers

July and August Mean Crab For West Sound Anglers

There are reasons those of us living in Western Washington manage to endure the interminably short, gray and damp days of winter and early spring, and for many of us, it’s the memory of summers past and the promise of the summer to … read more

Get The Dirt — Summer Gardening Tips

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Summer Gardening Tips • Fun and Learning •...

Summer Gardening Tips Summer is the perfect time to wander throughout your gardens. Take photos of the planting areas you enjoy the most. Download photos and make notes to yourself what you like the best about the various plants you’ve recorded. Make notes … read more


'Aging in Place' Accessible Bathroom

Planning for Your Future Needs with ‘Aging in Place’ Strategies in Your New Home or Remodel

Recently we began work on a home design for a newlywed couple who are starting their life together by building a home. And, they want it to be one that they can live in for a very long time. Smart thinking, as you … read more

A summer bloomer, tansy ragwort can be anywhere from one to six feet tall. Ingesting this biennial weed can cause irreparable liver damage. (Photo courtesy Kitsap Noxious Weed Control)
Know Thy Enemy

Outsmarting Your Garden Nemesis

Weeds are not altogether undesirable plants. “Heresy!” you might say, but the term “weed” is an arbitrary designation made by a gardener who would prefer to grow another plant instead. To some people, a foxglove is a gift in an otherwise bare bed, … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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