Kitchen Islands
Design|Build 2018A

Designing a Kitchen Island — A Kitchen Oasis… without the Palm Trees

Do you have kitchen island envy? You are not alone! The majority of homeowners who have recently or are currently contemplating a kitchen project have or would like to incorporate an island in their project. What makes a kitchen island alluring? There are … read more


off to college

How to Navigate the College Search Process with Your High School Student

Editor’s note: College search should be in high gear if your child is a senior. Since this can be quite overwhelming, WestSound Magazine asked Bhavin Parikh, CEO and founder of test-prep company Magoosh, five questions to help parents and students navigate this process. … read more

Bainbridge Gardens
Spotlight on Independent Nurseries

Bainbridge Gardens Celebrates 60 Years of Family Business

In 1908, Zenhichi Harui came to Bainbridge Island from Japan and started growing plants and flowers, selling them at a small farm stand. The business grew to include a general store, gas station and gardens that attracted visitors from far and wide. The … read more


Style Trends

Style Trends in the New Year

Design experts typically say that trends should be considered sparingly so you don’t have to overhaul your decor every year. But watching the trends is great when you want to add personal touches and refresh your home now and then. According to a … read more


cheesy taco wings

Recipes for the Big Game

When hosting a game-day party, you’d think the focus would be on the score or the award-winning commercials, but it’s actually a great reason to indulge in flavor-filled bites. When the big day rolls around, let your guests obsess over the game while … read more

The hardscape and tightly clipped boxwood edging make a big impact at the Heronswood garden in Kingston, regardless of the season.

Garden Standouts for Extraordinary Landscapes

Every once in a while, a garden captures our hearts. Visitors want to linger, spirits are lifted, imaginations awaken. The smallest of gardens can make an enormous impact. What is that extra ingredient that transforms an ordinary landscape into an extraordinary one? Gardens … read more



New Poulsbo Community Orchestra Artistic Director to Lead Bainbridge Symphony as Guest Conductor

Guest conductor Mario Alejandro Torres will lead the Bainbridge Symphony Orchestra’s lyrical and lovely winter program this February. César Franck wrote a hybrid symphony-symphonic poem when he penned his “Symphony in D minor,” his most enduring work for orchestra. The opening movement seems … read more

Enchanting, Colorful Garden comes from Creative Evolution

Enchanting, Colorful Garden Comes from Creative Evolution

A walk through Lisa and Glenn Eastep’s garden makes it clear that creative minds are at work here — from the clipped gables and rolled-edge roof of the cottage-style home they designed to the inviting, arched entry gate and the foliage colors that … read more


find a contractor

How to Find a Quality Contractor in a Strong Market

We are fortunate to have been in a strong building economy for the last year, and it appears that it will continue for some time. The downside for consumers is the availability of quality contractors and tradespeople. The economic downturn wreaked havoc on … read more

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