Weeds (sigh!), the curse of all gardeners, from beginner to professional. No one has immunity from them. Some plants that are considered weeds are valuable to herbalists, like the lowly dandelion or stinging nettle, but let’s talk about the common ones that are … read more
Updating, renovating or simply frustrated by boredom — pondering plants and garden spaces is something all gardeners do at some point. Gardens grow and change and need editing now and then. Like with many projects, when looking at gardens too long, it is … read more
Hydrangeas are a no-fail shrub for Northwest gardens. Flower colors include white, pink, blue and lilac. A few are actually called “red” but the color is more an intense pink segueing into claret. Flowers can begin in shades of green, turning to deep … read more
Conclusion without examining intent is arrogant at best. Color, more than any other design element, is complicated with many diverse variables. Form, space, line and texture may be considerations, but color is generally one’s initial focus, the elephant in the room. Making blanket … read more
Abigail's Corner
This spring, I had a chance to spend some quality time with an energy-efficiency consultant, who also happens to be my brother-in-law. But that’s neither here nor there. Anyway, I was able to pick his expert mind about what average homeowners can do … read more
Victory gardens during World War I and II sprouted up on any vacant lot, in front and back yards and anywhere there was a spot to grow nutritious fruit and vegetables. Today a new movement is underway to grow victory gardens once again. … read more
The Basics of Lighting and Lighting Design
Light, be it natural or artificial, impacts productivity, safety, moods, as well as the sense of aesthetics. You can design a beautiful home or landscaped yard but if it is not properly illuminated, it may all be for not. The following is an … read more
Aphids • Storm Water Solutions • Garden Clubs...
Aphids There are approximately 4,000 species of aphids in the world but only about 250 species are serious pests; only 1,350 species live in North America. Are you feeling better yet? Aphids range in length from 1/16 inch to 1/4 inch and come … read more
Timeless styles form a beautiful background for fun,...
Trendy has gotten a bad rap of late. My design clients and readers of my blog (www.SanctuaryAndStyle.com) often tell me that they can think for themselves. “I know what I like and I don’t need to follow trends,” they declare. Does that sound … read more