
Featured Articles from the West Sound. These are the highlighted articles from WestSound Magazine.


Part 3

Remodeling Trends: Public Spaces

Often people are looking to update the public spaces or entertaining areas of their home. This can include living rooms, dining rooms, family rooms, home theatres, powder rooms and outdoor spaces like decks or outdoor kitchens. Living, family and dining rooms are pretty … read more

The Beauty and Effect of Gravel in the Garden

The Beauty and Effect of Gravel in the Garden

Gravel patios or “terraces” are an outdoor element used in home landscapes in Europe for many centuries. Elegant and natural, they are typically made of crushed indigenous stone, widely used for many years because it was a readily available and inexpensive material. The … read more

That Red

That Red

Like shopping and seeing a great pair of shoes that knocks your socks off, but in my case it was a gallon of mismatched paint on a back-corner sale shelf. It was an odd color — not vermilion, not burgundy, not orange and … read more


Modern Bathroom Design
Part 2

Remodeling Trends: The Master Bath

The second most-popular remodeling project is definitely the master bath. And people have very specific ideas. We do see some common trends. Let’s dive right in. Number one on the list is what we call the party shower. Yep, huge — sometimes as … read more


Historical Plants of West Sound

West Sound, known as the Kitsap Peninsula and the Great Peninsula, has a rich agricultural and horticultural history. The glaciers left rich earthen deposits behind; the forest duff provided rich tilth and the two combined to make wonderful soils. Just the right amount … read more

Bainbridge Vineyards

The Wine Cabinet — Bainbridge Vineyards

Bainbridge Vineyards is the new name of what was once Gerard and JoAnne Bentryn’s Bainbridge Island Winery and Vineyards, located at the same address. The winery closed in 2009 following the Bentryns’ retirement. Ms. Betsey Wittick and a group of volunteers maintained the … read more


Western hawthorn, Crataegus douglasii, is one of the many plants named after David Douglas.

Scientific Names of Plants Demystified

My father, Dean Kelley, was a pharmaceutical representative for a drug company. When he retired, he volunteered his time as a Master Gardener in Pierce County. One time he was complaining to me that the scientific names of plants were hard to learn. … read more

The Culinary Life Education of Mama Villella
Recipe for Success

The Culinary Life Education of Mama Villella

Buon ciao, Buon vino, Buon amici! "Good food,...

Everyone should have friends like Jamie Villella. When Villella, owner and operator of Mama Villella’s Personal Chef Service on Bainbridge Island, needed to test-drive her new business, she recruited her friends to be “pilot clients.” For their honest opinions about her food, they … read more

Intentional Table

Intentional Table — A Foodie Experience from the Heart and Soul

A casual drop-in to Intentional Table on Bainbridge Island is likely to reveal a spot not unlike other small shops strung along the island’s Winslow district and its many nooks and crannies. The 700 square feet of space is home to a demonstration … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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