
Featured Articles from the West Sound. These are the highlighted articles from WestSound Magazine.


Painted Rocks Garden Markers

Brighten Up Your Garden with a Set of Plant Markers Made from Rocks

Gardeners know that once a garden begins to mature, it can be hard to tell what is actually growing. The solution is to use plant markers. Whether you have a garden this year or are planning one for next year, this is a … read more


Made from Scratch Life

Making Your Own (Simple) Household Cleaners from Scratch

Many of today’s cleaning products, from what we use to clean our homes to our bodies, contain dangerous chemicals. We shouldn’t have to worry about what we’re using to clean things as much as the items we’re cleaning. The pioneers didn’t have aisles … read more

Midcentury Enamelware

Midcentury Enamelware

As wanted as pigs in a sunflower field, as fleeting as floaters from a dandelion puff and as obsolete as the weekly milk delivery, midcentury enamelware kitchen items have more or less vanished from today’s scene — except for decorative candy tins that … read more

(Photo courtesy Chris Webber)

For the Love of Lavender

In the middle of summer, the essence of lavender wafts through the air with such heady fragrance, an address would not be necessary to find the Blue Willow Lavender Farm. Lush, gray-green plants trimmed into neat rounds form the foundation for the thousands … read more

organic wine

The Wine Cabinet — Organic Wine

There appears to be an ongoing debate in the world of wine, and not just a little confusion, surrounding the terms “organic wine” and “wine made from organically grown grapes.” The same might be said about the terms “organic farming,” “sustainable agriculture” and … read more



How to Help Keep Our Streets Litter-Free

About half the litter along Kitsap County roadsides is “intentional” litter, meaning that it was the intent of the litterer to litter. The other half of the remaining litter is the result of passive or “unintentional” littering. Unsecured/undersecured vehicle loads, windblown debris from … read more


Young apples are protected with nylon footies from apple maggot and coddling moth.

Protecting Your Harvest from Wildlife in Your Backyard

Gardening for wildlife is a satisfying focus for a gardener, knowing that your efforts benefit not only the human caretakers of a landscape, but provide habitat and nourishment for many creatures. What is better than seeing a hummingbird pushing upward on every fuchsia … read more


Outdoor Kitchen

Outdoor Kitchens, from Simple to Sublime

Requests for outdoor kitchens are on the rise, from pretty basic to really crazy. While most outdoor kitchens are considered a luxury, there are ways to add them to your space in all budget ranges. First consider how you will use your outdoor … read more

Volunteers in Bremerton packing the backpacks
Because it Takes a Village...

Grass-Roots Community Efforts Make Sure No Child Goes Hungry

Every week during the school year, dozens of volunteers are working in small teams to sort, pack and make food deliveries throughout West Sound. They do it on different days and as part of different organizations, but these small volunteer armies have one … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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