
Featured Articles from the West Sound. These are the highlighted articles from WestSound Magazine.

Kelsey and Stacy Marshall, Bainbridge Island

Unsung Hero — Kelsey and Stacy Marshall

Owners, Grounds for Change Coffee Roastery in Poulsbo

Since opening their business, Grounds for Change, 12 years ago, Stacy and Kelsey Marshall have been an example of not only building a sustainable company but also of giving back to their local and global community. Grounds for Change joined 1% for the … read more

Chef Mike Holbein (left) and Chef Tom Humbock in the heat of Battle Lamb at Gig Harbor’s Fight Night.

‘Chef Fight Night’ a Treat for Foodies

Fight Night is to a foodie what a...

Are your ready for a fight? Gig Harbor’s NetShed No. 9 has found a wildly successful formula with its organically grown Chef Fight Night (think “Top Chef” or “Chopped”), all while finding a way to utilize its beautiful waterfront facility in the evening … read more

Swallows of Puget Sound

The Birds of Summer — Swallows of Puget Sound and Western Washington

Poulsbo’s Fourth of July fireworks light up the sky over Liberty Bay on July 3. Thousands of watchers come to town. But not everyone enjoys the noisy and colorful display. Dozens of purple martins occupying their nesting gourds at Oyster Plant Park find … read more

My Garden Journey — From ‘Type A’ to Laissez-Faire Gardener

Gardening. My livelihood, exercise, psychological wellbeing, and yes, my obsession. From learning to garden alongside my parents in Los Angeles to teaching horticulture in Kitsap today, my gardening style and philosophy have taken many forms. My first job in the business was at … read more

Outdoor Room

The Romance of an Outdoor Room

There’s nothing more magnetic than an “outdoor room.” It’s more inviting than just a porch. It’s more romantic than a deck or a patio. It can be either snuggled against the house or set out at the edge of the property. Either way, … read more

Grilling Perfection

Master the Art of Grilling Perfection

To master the art of grilling, it’s best to start with a piece of high-quality meat. While some supermarkets have been responding to the consumers’ demand for transparency, it’s still a good idea to find a great local butcher shop and get to … read more

A Warm and Inviting Outdoor Space

A Warm and Inviting Outdoor Space

Smoke rising from the chimney of the outdoor fireplace is often an unspoken invitation. “The big signal is when we light a fire in the afternoon and smoke curls out of the chimney — the neighbors usually know,” Donna McKamey says. “And pretty … read more

Art in Public Places
Art in Public Places

Mice are Nice… and Kitties, Too

These playful fountain sculptures by Georgia Gerber can be seen at Pleasant Beach Village on Bainbridge Island. “The Boys Night Out” fountain is one of a limited series created on spec by Gerber, a renowned Seattle artist. The other two fountains are unnamed. … read more

Get The Dirt - Carpenter Bees

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Carpenter Bees • Winter Veggies • Blackberry Control...

Carpenter Bees Recently at breakfast, I overheard someone talking about carpenter bees. Most people have heard about carpenter ants but carpenter bees were a new one to know. This person had inherited a deck that had been built with old, untreated and unpainted … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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