The WestSound Magazine blog is your destination for information and tips about living in West Sound — home, gardening, outdoor recreation, things to do and more.



Salmon Tours at Donkey Creek a Chance to Observe Salmon in Restored Habitat

Did you know that there is treasure in the Puget Sound? Lacing the shores and in the rivers are glints of ruby red and emerald green that will catch a watchful eye. However, this is not the treasure of pirates and gemstones, but … read more


Can The Grease

‘Can the Grease’ to Avoid Plumbing Clogs and Backups

The Sewer Utility Division of Kitsap County Public Works is offering free kits to residential customers to encourage proper disposal of fats, oils and grease, commonly referred to as “FOG” in the wastewater industry. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, approximately 65 … read more


Remodeling To Rent

Remodeling with Renting in Mind

Vacation rentals, longer-term rentals, — all are ways to make some income from your home or second home. You may be looking to rent out an entire home for a long term, a separate space in your home or just a small … read more


In the Market Now

Winter Squash

Blue Hubbard (shaped like a football), pleated dark-green acorn, delicate delicata and buttery-skinned butternut are just a few of the many varieties of beautiful winter squash available this autumn. Grocery stores and farmers markets are brimming with these thick-skinned and delicious, nutritious, meaty … read more


Cercidiphyllum japonicum, Katsura tree

Glorious Fall Foliage

Every season has its golden child. Its pride and joy, the thing we celebrate above all else. Spring has her cheerful bulbs poking their heads out of the ground after a long sleep, and bright, succulent greens. Summer has the warm breezes, serious … read more


Pictured is Teddy Namuyigawomen, a Bead for Life artisan in Uganda. The Bead for Life beading program provides smart and savvy women living in poverty with an entrepreneurial training that gives them skills and confidence to transform their lives through the creation of a self-sustaining business. Unlike a typical fair trade model, these women graduate from the program as independent business owners.

Why You Should Buy Fair Trade Products

Fair Trade is an alternative way of doing business — one that builds equitable, long-term partnerships between consumers in North America and producers in developing regions. When purchasing a Fair Trade item, you can buy with confidence knowing it means the goods were … read more


Hydrangea Wreath

How to Make Your Own Hydrangea Wreath

Hydrangeas are among the most popular shrubs in West Sound, and they make beautiful wreaths. Floral wreaths can cost as much as $50, but if you have your own hydrangeas, you can make a wreath for less than $6. Early fall is the … read more


Baked Apple Cake
In the Market Now


“As American as apple pie,” the saying goes. “An apple a day keep’s the doctor away” — maybe because an apple is full of fiber and vitamins and minerals? And then, stories abound about a guy name Johnny Appleseed who went across the … read more


At the end of the summer garden season, you can use the space for cover crops or a winter vegetable.

Time for Fall Garden Cleanup

Some gardeners ignore or forget a very important part of the garden year. But you should think of it as getting ready to plant again. With the decrease in daylight, our plants are slowing down and it is a good time to remove … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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