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The Home

Each issue of our magazine showcases new or remodeled homes, including our design series, appliances, and the latest in kitchen and bath features. These articles are only a sample of what we have in WestSound Magazine each issue — subscribe to the print version today to see all of what we have to offer!

Glass vase painted with chalkboard paint holds allium, sedum, sedge and geranium flowers.

Cut and Dried — Lasting Flower Arrangements

Traditional dried-flower arranging is an art that seeks to capture the beauty, form and color of flowers in their peak of bloom and suspend it in time. This practice uses tools such as glycerin, silica gel, flower presses and microwaves to control the … read more

Comfy Comfort Zone

How Comfy is Your Comfort Zone?

A great deal has been written about mental comfort zones. The internet is full of Venn diagrams with a puny circle titled “your comfort zone” and a large circle with no overlap titled “this is where the magic happens” — implying that you … read more

Kimmel Family Forever Home

A New Day for a Century-Old Cabin

A vintage Lemolo beach retreat lies at the...

In 1920, fishermen dangling a line along the shoreline between Poulsbo and Agate Pass may have noticed a neat little beach cabin standing alone in the quiet shelter of Lemolo’s Brauer Cove. The tiny dwelling was standard for its day, little more than … read more

Tuffeted headboard from Best Quality Furniture

Trends in Home Décor

Products featured at the Vegas Winter Market 2017

Similar to several metropolitan cities, the city of Las Vegas, Nevada, has a dedicated design center — the World Market Center. What is a bit more unique about the Vegas design center is that it hosts two annual “showcase markets” for launching the … read more

“A house is made of wood and stone but a home is made of love, alone.”
Cover Feature

Arch Meets Soul — A Wollochet Water View to Call Home

A magnificent vista to Mount Rainier inspired Kathy and Dave Nims to purchase their property without ever having stepped foot on it. That leap of faith was well worth the effort. This view served as inspiration for architect David Fisher and contractor Tom … read more

Got Stuff?

Got Stuff?

One does not need be a hoarder to have too much stuff. Or some say having stuff is never enough stuff. Or, “Don’t give me stuff, even if it’s free.” Got stuff? Stuff. A seemingly simple story has transformed into a complicated creature … read more

Evocative of a Schoolhouse

Evocative of a Schoolhouse

A legacy of love, life and learning spans...

In the historic community of Grapeview, it can be hard to find your way around the first time you visit. Lots of tiny dirt roads finger off from the main road, featuring funny names that are often nearly identical. It nods to the … read more

Wilsonart laminate counter (back wall) in Asteroid 9214CM (Photo courtesy Wilsonart)
Design|Build 2017

Solid as a Rock — Tips on Selecting the Best Countertop for Your Project

Countertops are the workhorse of both the kitchen and bathroom. They are used for a myriad of tasks including preparing food, paying bills and doing homework, serving buffet food, holding small appliances, facilitating daily hygiene routines and more. They are subjected to a … read more

Luxe Petite

Luxe Petite — A Lot of Luxury Packed into One Little Home

It started as a dare of sorts. A joke. A thought exercise, really. Joe and Judy Gates, owners of Joe Gates Construction of Poulsbo, were daydreaming. What if they built themselves a new home from the ground up? What would it look like? … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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