The Garden
All gardeners have a wish list: new plants to try, a load of compost delivered, a potting shed, etcetera, but there is one thing that always seems to top the list — a greenhouse. Imagine how the midwinter blues melt away as you … read more
Welcome to my garden. Open the gate and step in, but mind the brambles and thorns. Careful to not crush the bleeding heart. Don’t bump the spiny eccentricity of the Solanum pyracanthum unless you like a good blood-letting. And watch the vines; they … read more
There’s a reason why Rhododendron macrophyllum is the Washington state flower. These beauties grow really well here. In May these plants are festooned with pink blossoms brightening the forested edges of highways and roadsides. Their many attributes make them great plants to consider … read more
How can we create an “ageless” garden to stand the test of time through our entire gardening lifetime? Here are a few quick ideas to consider incorporating into your garden’s overall design. Choose wide paths (4-6 feet wide). Choose smooth or compact permeable … read more
Normally, the best time of the year to plant any plant, including our native plants, is during the dormant season. In Western Washington, that time is generally late October through early February. Fall planted plants have a longer time to take advantage of … read more
No project ever seems to be without a glitch, and for me fall bulb-planting season is filled with a series of glitches and hurdles in a race against time. Yet at the end of summer, I am ready to face the season of … read more
You may have heard that bats are wonderful for insect control. They certainly are — a bat can eat as many as 1,000 insects an hour. By devouring mosquitoes, crane flies and other pests, they protect crops and human health. In many parts … read more
The hillside gardens of Barbara and Dave Shoaf offer a glimpse of paradise to every visitor. When the North Kitsap couple retired from spending their lives and careers in Phoenix, Ariz., they knew exactly where they wanted to move. In fact, they had … read more
WSU Kitsap Extension
Lifelong Learning in the West Sound
Salmon Stewards Oct. 10, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Norm Dicks Government Center Cost: $10 Learn about salmon habitat, life cycle and species in the Puget Sound. Ecologically, traditionally and commercially important, salmon are iconic in our region and influence how we manage … read more