Tag: water


Organic Gardening

Gardening with the Health of Puget Sound in Mind

The temperate weather of Western Washington and the long growing season create a gardener’s paradise. This year, due to unusually warm temperatures, I have found myself out in the garden early, visiting with my plant friends that have lain dormant all winter. I … read more


Pine Siskin

The More Plants in the Yard — the More Birds

The importance of a heavily planted yard can’t be emphasized too much when it comes to attracting birds. All of the plants do not have to provide food for them. Food is just one of four needs for sustaining bird populations. Like all … read more

Pond or Water Feature
Water Gardening Part 1

Getting Started with a Pond or Water Feature

Jan Bahr at Roadhouse Nursery on Central Valley Road in Poulsbo is the go-to person for advice on how to construct and maintain water features in home gardens and landscapes. She believes that the most important thing is to do your homework. Start … read more


Things to Do This Year at Heronswood

Heronswood, a renowned local treasure owned by the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe, has many enticements on tap this year for gardeners from near and far. Don’t miss out on all there is to see and do there. Friday Self-Guided Tours The Port Gamble … read more

Friends for life

A Spa for Your Wild Soul

A chance meeting more than a decade ago was the unlikely beginning of a relationship that today builds confidence and begins transformation for women in an unlikely way. A Spa for Your Wild Soul, women’s kayak journeys, is the creation of Spring Courtright … read more



Storms impact more just people — Puget Sound suffers, too

Storms have been hitting the South Puget Sound hard over the past few months. We have gotten used to the inclement weather, keeping a rain jacket close at all times and putting on tough faces when rain threatens to cancel plans. We have … read more


West Puget Sound Island

West Puget Sound Island Could Be Our Own ‘Panama Canal’

What if we could create a West Puget Sound Island, bigger than Whidbey, bigger than either Bainbridge or Vashon — an island that would become a true Mecca for recreational boaters? And what if we could save the ecosystem of Hood Canal in … read more

A Forever Home and Garden
Cover Feature

A ‘Forever’ Home and Garden

Lana and Bob Decker live on a secluded hilltop above Wildcat Lake. They’ve created their “forever” home and garden on an idyllic 5-acre piece of land. Bob Decker was a lifelong Alaskan and Lana moved to Alaska in 1981. They married in 1989, … read more


Great Peninsula Conservancy

Share Your Thoughts About Great Peninsula Conservancy’s Preservation Plans

The Great Peninsula Conservancy is updating its goals, objectives and strategies for conserving lands and waters on the Kitsap, Key and Gig Harbor peninsulas. The draft Great Peninsula Conservancy Conservation Plan for 2016-2021 is an update and revision to the previous plan. Its … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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