Tag: water

(Photo courtesy Dennis Jacobson)

Magical Rocky Beach Retreat

Back in the ’50s, Dennis Jacobson’s family vacationed in a rented cabin less than a mile down the road from the retirement home where he and his wife, Betty, live. He knew then he wanted to live right on the water someday. As … read more


In the Market Now

Why Buy Organic? Part 4: Seafood

When it comes to seafood, there is really no such thing as an organic label. The U.S. Department of Agriculture standard for organic labeling is based on soil treatment and organically grown feeds, so of course, those standards do not apply to water. … read more



Finding Peace Paddling in the Rain on Liberty Bay

Have you heard the sound of raindrops on calm water? It has a soothing effect on the soul, and when you add the sound of kayak paddles gently dipping and purple martins twittering above, one gets a sense that all is right with … read more


Native plants have deep root systems that allow the water to penetrate the soil surface, providing moisture to plant roots on the way to recharging groundwater.

Manage Water where it Falls for a Healthier Landscape and Environment

Too much, not enough, and never when you need it. This is a common complaint of gardeners. Keeping and using water where it falls is the first step in managing this precious resource. Planting and maintaining a healthy landscape is a good place … read more

Alderbrook Resort and Spa
Making a Difference

The Alderbrook Resort and Spa

Located on Hood Canal, Alderbrook Resort features spacious guest rooms, a stellar marina, guest cottage accommodations, a luxurious day spa and a restaurant featuring some of the best food and wine in the region. For more than a hundred years, the Alderbrook Resort … read more


Twenty acres of marine shoreline and six acres of tidelands protected on Hood Canal north of Vinland. (Photo courtesy Jonathan Decker)

Unique Partnership Protects Hood Canal Shoreline

To implement the Hood Canal Coordination Council’s In Lieu Fee Mitigation Program, Great Peninsula Conservancy and Hood Canal Coordinating Council have teamed up to conserve, restore and protect marine shoreline and tideland habitats. Fees paid by developers as compensation for impacts to marine … read more

Front garden water feature

The Garden of Peggy and Bill Fox

The power of a well-designed landscape is magical. But the long, narrow piece of grassy land sloping quickly toward the waterfront offered little magic to the imagination of Peggy and Bill Fox when they first laid eyes on the property in 1987. The … read more

Fuchsia baskets getting ready for Mother’s Day
Spotlight on Independent Nurseries

The Brothers Greenhouses

The canaries know it’s spring at the Brothers Greenhouses, located on SW Victory Drive in Port Orchard. For more than 15 years, birds have resided in this retail nursery attached to working greenhouses. Oscar was one of the original birds, earning that name … read more



Call 811 before Digging for Home Improvement and Landscaping Projects

With spring having officially begun, many eager homeowners and landscape professionals across the country will roll up their sleeves and reach for their shovels to start projects that require digging this season. During the transition into “digging season,” Common Ground Alliance (CGA), the … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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