Tag: water


Frozen Pipes

Tips for Keeping Your Pipes Safe this Winter

Burst water pipes due to freezing can leave you, your family and your home in a state of crisis. When water freezes in your pipes, they expand, and that expansion can cause a rupture. Typically, the rupture doesn’t occur at the point in … read more

An American dipper finds a tasty salmon egg in Chico Creek near Bremerton.

The Aquatic Songbird that Makes a Splash

Songbirds are not just frequent visitors to gardens and birdhouses. They are everywhere. Some species, like the dark-eyed junco, are ubiquitous, adapting to various environments. But others have special habitat requirements. For example, marsh wrens need marshes and sagebrush sparrows need sagebrush. A … read more


urban raised beds

The Art of Watering Your Garden

Editor’s note: This is an excerpt adapted from Byron Smith’s book, “Slow Down and Grow Something: The Urban Grower’s Recipe for Good Life,” recently published by Murdoch Books. Plants have naturally adapted to the climate in which they have evolved — that’s why … read more



Endangered Orca Recovery Focus of Regionwide Day of Action

Ten of Puget Sound’s conservation districts have teamed up for a first-ever region-wide day of action to connect people to Puget Sound, the critically endangered southern resident killer whales and the work that needs to be done to save them. The conservation districts … read more

Puri Lumbung
Travel Bug

Bali Lost and Found: In Search of What Was

The name Bali conjures images of lush, green jungles; turquoise blue waters; deserted, white-sand beaches and ancient temples. Bali is synonymous with bright, colorful flowers; vanilla- and lemongrass-scented teas; and beautiful, handmade art of teak, silver and woven fabric. Bali is beautiful — … read more

The Garden of Lenore and Don Lynch
The Garden of Lenore and Don Lynch

Putting Down Roots in ‘Plant Paradise’

When Don and Lenore Lynch moved to Kitsap County from Pasco, Eastern Washington, about 10 years ago, they each began a gardening love affair. Lenore, with a strong design background, was swept away by the wondrously greater plant palette of foliage and flower, … read more

Heermann’s gull in nonbreeding plumage strolls the beach at Point No Point County Park in Hansville.

Not Your Average ‘Seagull’

A little-known fact, outside the world of birding, is that there is no such bird as a “seagull.” Rather, the term “seagull” is an informal name given to any member of the Laridae (Greek for “ravenous seabird”) family. Gulls, as they are correctly … read more

The Loft in Poulsbo, Washington

The Loft at Poulsbo has Something for Everyone

Waterfront dining is always popular, but even more so when the food is “fresh, local and delicious,” as The Loft in Poulsbo proclaims on the front cover of the crisp-white menu. Chef Michael Bucholz believes that food should be made from scratch, using … read more

Waterside Gardening

Perfect Plants for Your Waterside Gardening

West Sound residents seldom forget how fortunate they are to be surrounded by water. Thousands of miles of shoreline influence everyday activities, especially for those lucky enough to be the stewards of waterfront property. The thought of a seaside garden conjures up romance, … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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