Tag: vegetables


pot gardening

Victory Garden 2.0 — Growing in A Container

James H. Burdett did not address container growing in “The Victory Garden Manual,” but times were different in 1943. Today, growing edibles in containers is probably one of the fastest emerging trends. Plus, with vegetable breeders working on more compact varieties, your choices … read more



Garden Centers Are Open to Help You Grow Food at Home

Your local independent garden center is an essential community source providing you access to healthy, affordable food to grow at home. As an essential part of your community, garden centers are taking the required steps to serve you safely and protect their staff. … read more

The shed and raised demo beds

Historic Homestead Becomes Home to Gardens

Imagine being a young woman in Germany in the 1890s and coming alone over the Atlantic Ocean, and across the entire continental United States, to a remote peninsula in the Pacific Northwest. That is what young Dora Gummert did when she came to … read more


Toddler in garden (Image by vikvarga via Pixabay)

Kids’ Garden-Themed Activities You Can Do Right Now

As we all face these unpredictable times, experts at KidsGardening created and shared these “tried and true,” plant-based activities that are joyful for any age and don’t involve any screen time. The national nonprofit reaches close to half of a million educators, parents … read more


White Bean with Turkey Chili
In the Market Now

Comfort Food on a Chilly Day

Spring may be right around the corner and the sun bright against a brilliant blue sky, but it is still 41 degrees on the front porch and much cooler in the shade or when a breeze wafts through the yard. My spirit wants … read more


container gardening

Get Maximum Yield from Minimal Garden Space

Growing on a deck or balcony is a great way to bring the garden to your backdoor. You can attract butterflies and hummingbirds into easy view and grow edibles within close reach when cooking. For some, it may be the only available space … read more


Maynard’s — Kitsap’s Culinary Destination

With the opening of Maynard’s Restaurant in Silverdale, Chef Maynard “JJ” Meland’s dream of feeding people in a unique and sustainable way has become a reality. The son of a chef, and cooking professionally himself for more than 25 years, Meland has had … read more



How Food Affects the Way We Feel

The pressure is on, deadlines are looming, and stress levels are nearly maxed out. Cue the pizza order, drive-through stop or late-night run for ice cream. We’ve likely all been there. Whether it’s work stress, school assignments or a meeting gone horribly wrong, … read more


In the Market Now


If ever a vegetable has caught the attention of dieters and gourmands alike, it is the trendiest of all vegetables in 2020 — cauliflower. Versatile, low in carbohydrates and calories and with a mild and non-distinctive flavor, cauliflower lends itself to an amazingly … read more

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