Tag: things to do

Ready to eat
Our Daily Bread

Time to Light the Grill!

Artisan bread in winter, coming out of an oven heated to 475 degrees, warms the home and gives comfort to long winter nights. But in summer, the last thing you want to do is heat up you kitchen — and a hot oven … read more

the sip
The Sip

Wine on the Rock to Return — Reinvented

For the past several years, local (and not so local) wine lovers have come to look forward to the annual Wine on the Rock events. These two-day events center around wine, music and food and take place at each of the seven Bainbridge … read more

Amy's One Painting


“Restriction” is a 40-by-32-inch, dramatic painting in the “Artist Behind Glass” series that is now featured at the Sidney Museum and Arts Association, located in Port Orchard at 202 Sidney Avenue. This is the Sidney Museum’s 50th anniversary. My 24-piece art show will … read more


Sopapilla Bars

Recipe for Sopapilla Bars

(Crunchy on the Outside, Creamy on the Inside)

Finding a unique dessert to impress others can be a tall task. Cakes, brownies and cookies are classics but can be boring and repetitive. When you want something easy, delicious and made to impress, think outside the sweet treat box. Next time you’re … read more


Petunia Wave Blue

Nine Noble Purples to Add to Your Garden

Whether you choose perennials or bulbs, annuals or vegetables, there are sure to be many hues and shades of purple you can use to delight the senses. With its origins tied to royalty, purple flowers represent dignity, pride and success. In a bouquet, … read more


child safety

Five Ways to Reduce Safety Risks for Young Children

As parents, one of your top priorities is the safety and well-being of your children. With all the potential pitfalls of day-to-day life, however, understanding the risks can be difficult. These everyday safety tips can help you navigate everything from car seat safety … read more


Orange and Harissa Glazed Beef Kebabs

Recipe for Mediterranean-Style Kabobs with a Citrus Twist

When families fire up their grills and turn to favorite summer recipes for filling meals, nutritional considerations are often not the focus. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. This year, you can rethink traditional seasonal menus by opting for main courses … read more


dog in the garden

How to Keep Your Pets Safe in the Garden

If you have pets that enjoy spending time outdoors, it’s important to make sure your yard is a safe place for them to be. Consider these hazards that can negatively impact the wellbeing of your furry friends. Poisonous Plants Some common plants can … read more


croissant chicken salad sandwich

Recipe for an Elevated Sandwich for Any Occasion

They might not be the fanciest of foods, but when you eat a filling, protein-packed sandwich, you are usually left satisfied and full of energy. From ham and turkey to mayo and mustard, the possibilities are nearly endless when sandwiches are on the … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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