Tag: things to do


How many barnacles can you count?

Winter’s the Perfect Time for the Beach

Winter is not your typical time to go to the beach. One, it’s cold. Two, it’s probably raining. Lastly, the tide is too high — that is, unless you plan your beach venture in the dark of the night. That’s right, around here … read more

WSU Kitsap Extension

Community Education Opportunities

Lifelong Learning in the West Sound

Organic Vegetable Gardening Class: Gardens You Can Eat A hands-on class taught by Master Gardeners to help you create your own organic backyard vegetable garden. This course is open to any community member who wishes to learn about growing food crops organically and … read more


The 2014 Bloom poster by artist Kenna Moser, "Beyond," beeswax, vintage letter, collage and oil paint on wood panels

Deadline is Friday for Bainbridge in Bloom Poster Competition

The Bainbridge Island Arts and Humanities Council invites artists from any geographic location to enter their work for next year’s Bainbridge in Bloom Garden Tour. The 27th annual tour is scheduled for July 10-11, 2015 and is a fundraiser that includes national promotion. … read more

Garden Planning

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Garden Planning • Moles and Tunneling Critters

Time to Plan and Learn When gardens are dormant, it’s the perfect time to take a class — or two or more. Check with your favorite local nursery and the WSU Kitsap County Extension Office for upcoming opportunities. Here are just a few … read more


Bird Seed Christmas Tree

Decorating a Bird’s Christmas Tree

If decorating a Christmas tree for the birds sounds like fun, there are a few important things to remember. The most important element as far as the birds are concerned is that it be decorated with food. Variety isn’t important but quality is. … read more


Orca whales sighted in Gig Harbor area (Photo by Katie Schmetzer)

Viewing Orca Whales Never Gets Old

It’s not rare to spot the iconic orca whale (Orcinus orca) here in the South Sound; you just have to know where to look. Whether you view them from a boat or from shore, it is always a delight. Orcas belong to the … read more

Gig Harbor
Gig Harbor

A Graceful Rebirth of a Historic Town

A sleepy fishing village until the 1980s, the scenic town of Gig Harbor occupies the southernmost tip of the Kitsap Peninsula and commands a majestic view of Mount Rainier. Nearly 150 years after the first settlers arrived and 68 years after incorporation, the … read more

A Garden for Tea

A Garden for Tea

Tea time will stop business in some cultures; it can also conjure up images of romantic and floriferous parties or bring warm relaxation to a cold winter day. Tea… Is it a ritual, an herb or a beverage? Technically, tea is the plant … read more


Experience the First Christmas on Bainbridge Island

Experience the First Christmas on Bainbridge Island

If you are looking for a fun, low-key way to get into the Christmas spirit, I have an idea for you. Check out the Bethlehem Experience at Rolling Bay Presbyterian Church on Bainbridge Island on Friday, Dec. 5 or Saturday, Dec. 6. It’s … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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