Tag: shopping


Silverdale — The True Center of Kitsap County

Silverdale is one of the fastest growing areas in Kitsap County, with a population of around 25,000 and growing each day. This community has been known for many years as the retail center of the county because of the Kitsap Mall, which opened … read more

Kitchen Bowls
Contemporary Thrifting with Amy

On the Search for Kitchen Bowls

Let me put the kitchen bowl subject aside while I tell you a short thrifting story. “Contemporary Thrifting” is an article series about one vintage item, preferably post-midcentury, that I find in a community thrift shop. I also like to delve into the … read more


regrow vegetables

Fighting Food Waste Using Circular Economy

It’s 2022, and food waste in the United States is at an all-time high. Meanwhile, a whopping 690 million people worldwide, or 8.7%, are undernourished. That’s still fewer hungry people than it was over 20 years ago, but nevertheless, far too many mouths … read more


plant sale

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens Hosts Fundraising Plant Sale

Albers Marcovina Vista Gardens will host its first annual plant sale and raffle event on April 23 and 24, in honor of Earth Day. The garden will be open Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 1 … read more

vintage wok
Contemporary Thrifting with Amy

Goodwill of Port Orchard

Climb aboard for an exciting ride as we enter the world of contemporary thrifting. You’ve heard me say that before, but this time, “turn and run” — the creep meter is registering, and this one makes little sense (at first, anyway). I saw … read more

St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store
Contemporary Thrifting with Amy

St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store

The ’70s began with the Beetles breaking up, Vietnam War ending, avocado-green color taking over almost every household, the Doobie Brothers entering the stage and consumers saying hello to the microwave. Today we see the midcentury-modern (’50s and ’60s) kitchen trend fading a … read more


(Photo © Zephyr18 / iStock via Getty Images Plus)

What You May Want to Know About Your Tuna Sandwich and Human Rights

Do you always look for the “dolphin-safe” and “sustainably caught” labels on your tuna? If so, you’re probably already thinking about how your meals impact marine life and the environment. A new report shows that protecting human rights within the tuna industry is … read more

Watering can

Gifts for the Gardener

‘Tis the (shopping) season! And if you have a gardener on your shopping list for the holidays, you will have an easy time finding all sorts of wonderful presents. When the celebratory season is over and the chilly, damp reality of winter in … read more


Roosting pockets provide some needed insulation for birds and are easy for them to enter and exit. (Photo courtesy Gardeners Supply Company)

Gift Ideas for Bird Watchers and Gardeners

Give a gift that provides beauty, entertainment and health benefits throughout the year. With the recent increase in people gardening and bird watching, what could be more perfect than a gift that supports both interests? Birds visiting feeders, munching on the coneflower seeds … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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