Tag: recycling


kitchen plastics

How to Minimize Exposure to Potential Toxins in Our Food

Dear EarthTalk: Are we really all exposed to many hazardous chemicals that come off the packaging our food travels in? What can we do to minimize our exposure to these potential toxins in our food? ~ William Freleigh, Newark, DE A large percentage of … read more


These "bioplastic" cups can only be composted in an industrial composting facility; in most cases, they just end up in the landfill because they can't be recycled. (Credit: Unsplash)

Is Compostable Plastic Too Good to be True?

In recent years, there has been a global movement to pressure corporations into becoming more eco-friendly. One of the most frequent measures taken by these companies is limiting the use of single-use plastics and replacing them with so-called compostable plastics. Compostable plastics are … read more


baby chewing plastic

What Every Parent of Young Children Should Know about Plastics

Plastics is not a subject that most of us go to sleep obsessing over or wake up consumed by. But when you are writing a report for EARTHDAY.ORG titled “Babies vs. Plastics,” plastics literally become your life. Plastic is an omnipresent material in … read more


reusing furniture

Reduce, Reuse, Redecorate: Why and How to Shop for Used Furniture

If you’re searching for new ways to make a positive impact on the planet, have you considered how you buy furniture? By opting for preowned or used furniture, you can save money, plus it’s an excellent way to reduce waste and contribute to … read more


pollution beach

New Recycling Option: Contact Lenses

When it comes to recycling, you may not often think about something as small as your contact lenses. Did you know, though, that 45 million Americans who wear contact lenses flush anywhere between 1.8 and 3.36 billion lenses down the toilet or sink … read more


Photo © littleny / iStock via Getty Images Plus

Are Your ‘Recyclable’ Products Actually Recyclable?

If you’re like many people, you feel good when you are able to toss items into the recycling bin instead of the trash. But a new report suggests that many of those “recyclable” labels on your products may be misleading, and that much … read more


Recycle Christmas Wrapping

How and Where to Recycle Your Holiday Waste

The holidays bring in records amount of waste and recycling. Use this guide provide by Kitsap County on what, where, and when to recycle. And remember, many holiday waste items belong in the trash instead of the recycling — download and print our … read more


reusable bags

Get Ready to Bring Your Own Bags for Shopping in Kitsap

It’s time to stock up on those reusable bags. Starting Jan. 1, most of Kitsap County stores will go plastic-free for their carryout bags, and will start charging for paper bags. New laws restricting use of plastic carryout bags will go into effect … read more


Battery Recycling

Recycle Old Batteries to Help Protect Your Home and the Environment

Is it time to finally declutter your junk drawers, closets, attic and basement? If these areas of your home contain used batteries, you’re in good company. One in five consumers store some or all of their used batteries from the past year, according … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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