Tag: plants


Shotweed (cardamine hirsuta) as filling in a tea sandwich with cream cheese and butter.

Spring Time Means Exotic Greens (and Even ‘Weeds’) for Your Table

This is the time of year when everything starts turning the most magnificent color of green, and humans begin to sense it is time for spring cleaning. Rebirth, renewal, cleansing of home, body and spirit is the focus. Perhaps Mother Nature leads us … read more

Get The Dirt - Deer

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Farmers Markets • Plant Sales • Giving Back...

Let the official gardening season begin. At least for hardcore gardeners. It’s time to plant potatoes; put in peas and sow some lettuce seeds, bok choy, chard, kale and a host of other cooler season veggies. Get ready to plant fruit trees, raspberries, … read more


Calla lilies, like those with the black flowers of ‘Night Cap’ and white blooms of ‘Crystal Clear,’ are spring-planted bulbs that thrive in full sun or part shade and can be cut to create an elegant display indoors.

Extend the Garden Season with Spring Planted Bulbs

Keeping your garden looking its best throughout the growing season and into fall is possible with the help of low-maintenance, spring-planted bulbs. Plant them in spring among other annuals or perennials and watch as these bulbs brighten the garden, adding new life to … read more


Garden Nursery Plants
Gardening With Peg

How to Select Plants for Purchase

From fall into spring is a great time to purchase and add plants to our landscapes. It’s also a great time to plant up some containers. But how do you choose good, strong, healthy plants? Plant Selection The first step is deciding what … read more

A Forever Home and Garden
Cover Feature

A ‘Forever’ Home and Garden

Lana and Bob Decker live on a secluded hilltop above Wildcat Lake. They’ve created their “forever” home and garden on an idyllic 5-acre piece of land. Bob Decker was a lifelong Alaskan and Lana moved to Alaska in 1981. They married in 1989, … read more


Volunteer potatoes. On the right are the potatoes from the hugelkultur bed, on the left are ones from a standard bed.

The Mystery of ‘Potato Hollow Heart’

I love a good mystery, and the garden provides many puzzles. Sometimes I am stumped, but it sure is satisfying when the solution presents itself! Last spring, I decided to make use of some rotting pallets we had set aside. The wood was … read more

Betula nigra ‘Heritage’

The Many Faces of Bark

Now that winter is in high gear and the barren deciduous trees lost their leaves months ago, what’s left is their proverbial bones reaching to the sky. When deciduous trees are barren, single specimens can have a stark, architectural look to them. Yet … read more


Great Peninsula Conservancy

Share Your Thoughts About Great Peninsula Conservancy’s Preservation Plans

The Great Peninsula Conservancy is updating its goals, objectives and strategies for conserving lands and waters on the Kitsap, Key and Gig Harbor peninsulas. The draft Great Peninsula Conservancy Conservation Plan for 2016-2021 is an update and revision to the previous plan. Its … read more

Daffodils and hyacinths

Spring-Flowering Bulbs and Corms

Spring-flowering bulbs provide lots of color with very little effort. From mid-February until late April, the longer and warmer days signal the earth to awaken. First to bloom are snowdrops then crocus, daffodils, grape hyacinths, hyacinths and dwarf iris. Tulips that bloom during … read more

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