Tag: outdoors

Daffodils and hyacinths

Spring-Flowering Bulbs and Corms

Spring-flowering bulbs provide lots of color with very little effort. From mid-February until late April, the longer and warmer days signal the earth to awaken. First to bloom are snowdrops then crocus, daffodils, grape hyacinths, hyacinths and dwarf iris. Tulips that bloom during … read more


Raised bed bench garden

Ease into Gardening with a Raised Bed

Raise your garden to new heights for easier access and greater productivity. Raised beds allow you to overcome poor soil by creating the ideal growing mix, plus make gardening time more comfortable thanks to less bending and kneeling. Whether you purchase a kit … read more


2016-2017 USA Duck Stamp

Supporting Wildlife Refuges by Collecting Duck Stamps

“…You don’t have to be a hunter to buy a duck stamp. You just need $25. So go out and buy the stamp.” Jim Williams, co-author of the book “Questions and Answers about Backyard Birds,” made that statement in an article he wrote … read more

Male and female American wigeon

A Winter Bird Walk

The middle of winter can be the perfect time for a stroll along the many waterfront areas found throughout West Sound country. Choose a day when the weather offers clear, blue skies and crisp, cool temperatures. Birds sheltering in inland waters react to … read more


Driftwood Mirror

Weekend Craft Project: Drift Away Mirror

Do you love looking for “found objects” during your beach outings? If you’re a collector of driftwood, why not turn it into a fun mirror. (Please note: It’s illegal to collect driftwood from some public beaches — please check regulations ahead of time.) … read more


Orca Pod

Orca Births are Good News for Puget Sound but are At Risk

Most can agree that seeing an orca glide through the water is a pretty rare and incredible sight. If you have lived in the Puget Sound for a while, perhaps you’ve been lucky enough to see an orca or two in the wild. … read more


Mt. Rainier over Puget Sound (Photo by Ed Johnson)

The Impact on Our Weathers from the Mysterious Chehalis Gap and the Coriolis Effect

Our fall, winter, and springtime weathers here on the South Sound and the West Sound pretty much come from the same place. The Chehalis gap! And no, you can’t buy jeans there. This gap is the space between the southernmost of the Olympic … read more


Tree Recycling

Green Living: Don’t Trash Your Tree!

During the weeks after Thanksgiving, I saw numerous trees on top of cars and in pickup trucks — heading home for their two to four weeks of glory, decorated as the family or office Christmas tree. The sadder side of this story is … read more

Get The Dirt

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Extending the Growing Season • Cleanup, Pruning, Planting...

Get Ready for Gardening Start looking for seed packets at local nurseries during the months of January and February. The sooner, the better for best selection. If you wait too long to pick up veggie seeds, you may not get the ones desired. … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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