Tag: outdoors

Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Memorial Plaza

Bremerton’s Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Memorial Plaza

One of the outstanding public spaces in Kitsap County is right in the heart of downtown Bremerton — the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard Memorial Plaza, a wonderful block-long park adjacent to the north end of the shipyard near the ferry terminal. The park … read more

Birdbaths are always popular in a garden. This one adds a bubbling fountain for a bronze girl to gaze in fascination.

Waterfalls in the Garden

Water is life, and in the garden, especially when the water moves in a rhythmic sound, it quenches the soul. More than half of the human body is made out of the liquid. No wonder we gravitate to it. We are water; water … read more


Lawn Mower

Do This Fall Yard Work Now to Reap Benefits Next Spring

Autumn is no time to ignore your lawn and landscape. There are still a few more things left on your to-do list. “What you do now will determine the quality of your family yard next spring and summer,” said Kris Kiser, president and … read more

Foxtail lilies (Eremurus) are stunning in front of a smoke bush (Cotinus).

A Garden Sanctuary

For an avid gardener like Jeanne Cronce, the garden is where she spends a good portion of her waking life. For 36 years, the 5 acres that surround Robin and Jeanne Cronce’s log home has been a place for growing food, planting trees … read more

kids on the farm

Raising ‘Em Up on the Farm

A New Generation of Young Farmers grows on...

Five-year-old Kavi Ostrom announced one day to her mother, “These plants aren’t doing well because we haven’t put enough compost on them.” Maia Ostrom said, laughing, “I’m pretty sure that Kavi will be running the farm soon.” Maia Ostrom and her husband, Erik, … read more

A Steller's jay in a backyard looking for a snack

West Sound’s ‘Blue Jays’ Aren’t Blue Jays

Every West Sound birder has heard it. Someone claiming to have seen a blue jay. Yes, the individual saw a “blue jay,” but it was likely not a bona fide blue jay, a common species in the central and eastern United States and … read more


Howe Farm

Howe Farm Park Community Event Focused on Stewardship

Great Peninsula Conservancy (GPC) is partnering with REI and Kitsap County Parks Department to connect people to the outdoors through a community stewardship event at Howe Farm Park in Port Orchard on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 27 and 28. Volunteers will work together … read more

Beautiful rainbow
Travel Bug

A Visit to the Amazon Rainforest

Let's Bungle in the Jungle

Visiting the Amazon Rainforest is akin to being a teeny insect in the greatest biodiverse area on the planet. It’s humongous and you will never see it all — 2.1 million square miles. One-fifth of the freshwater flowing into the Earth’s oceans comes … read more


bremerton fly-in

Bremerton Airport Hosts Fly-In and Car Show

The Port of Bremerton’s Bremerton National Airport is hosting the annual Fly-In and Car Show on Saturday, Aug. 31, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. General admission and parking are free. The morning will start with a pancake breakfast from Chapter 406 of … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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