Tag: outdoors

Garden Sheds

The Garden Shed Takes Back Stage in the Garden

Every garden needs a work area: a “behind the scenes” staging space where all the glories of the garden are dressed, groomed and rehearsed until they are ready to make their entrance. This can be a spot tucked away out of sight with … read more


auto tips

Getting Ready to Drive Again? Check Your Car for These Three Things First

As restrictions are being loosened up on stay-at-home orders, so you may be ready to finally take the family on a road trip or return to work. Since your car may have sat relatively idle over the last few months, the following tips … read more

Design|Build 2020B

How to Become a Barbecue Master

It’s summer. That means long days, fun outings, get-togethers with family and friends — and, of course, barbecue. Mmmmm, barbecue: bold, smoky, sweet, tangy. The flavors are as much a part of summer memories as the smell of fresh-cut lawn and the feel … read more


container gardening

Tips for Planting, Growing and Caring for a Container Garden

Container gardens are a viable and popular cultivation option, especially for those who have limited sun-exposed spaces or are looking to start small and learn the basics of gardening. “Containers, whether bought or recycled, are a great place to plant herb and vegetable … read more

The view looking out through the old-growth stump positioned as Philips' garden entrance

Native Plants Feel at Home in Bainbridge Island Garden

On Bainbridge Island, looking out onto Manzanita Bay, Navy veteran Al Philips has been assembling a collection of native plants around his home. Soon after purchasing his lot, Philips began landscaping. At first, he planted all sorts of plants, but soon a love … read more

Gold Mountain Golf Course

Golfing on the Peninsula

West Sound's Golf Courses Grow State and National...

Here’s a trivia question for you. What is the Kitsap Peninsula best known for? Sure, there are beautiful gardens and forests, more than 200 miles of shoreline, unique shops, restaurants and businesses, stunning waterfront homes, and some of the country’s largest naval installations. … read more


Water Safety

How to Stay Safe on the Water (and Why)

A personal story from a Search-and-Rescue team member

Every year as Father’s Day comes and goes, my thoughts turn to water safety. I think about how so many people’s lives changed on one fateful Father’s Day and how my search and rescue K9 partner Chips and I became part of this … read more

Papa Paul's Dahlia Farm
Cover Feature

Papa Paul’s Dahlia Farm

About 20 years ago while living in Sandpoint, Idaho, Paul Kusche got bit by the dahlia bug. A food industry executive by profession, and the son of a landscape architect, he’s always viewed gardening as an important hobby and source of relaxation away … read more


Easy Shrimp Skewers

Two Recipes for Adding Seafood to Summer Meals

Grilled meals provide a summer escape for many families by offering opportunities to spend moments together while enjoying flavorful dishes. As Americans face uncertainty in many aspects of life, one place they should be able to turn to for normalcy is food. One … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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