Tag: outdoors


fall leaves

Composting an Easy Solution to Fallen Leaves

Maple leaves and tree needles are starting to pile up. Do you have a plan for what to do with the excess leaves? Now is a great time to sign up for compost service. Curbside compost service is available to many homes in … read more


garden zen

Designing Your Garden for Better Mental Health

Gardening is not only a means for beautifying outdoor spaces and growing delicious foods. According to those who spend significant time in the yard, getting outside can also support your wellbeing. “Gardening is good for the mind, good for the soul and good … read more

A northern shrike tries to blend into its surroundings while looking for its next victim.

Unmasking the ‘Watchful Butcher’ Bird

Imagine walking a West Sound trail through an open, wooded area on a crisp day in late fall or winter. A charming black, white and gray bird, slightly smaller than a robin, is perched in a bare tree. Its endearing black-eye mask gives … read more



10 New Plants to Create a Multi-Season Hummingbird Haven

Is there anything more entertaining than watching the aerobatic antics of hummingbirds? Whether they’re visiting for a sip of sugar water at the feeder, zooming through the garden (where you’ll often hear their whirring wings before you see them) or engaging in an … read more


backyard office

How to Create the Perfect Outdoor Living and Work Room

The pandemic thrust us into a new reality, and the backyard has a starring role. Yards and other managed landscapes became a safe haven. Backyarding became a way of life as lawns, gardens, patios and decks evolved into outdoor offices, classrooms, family gathering … read more

A Hutton’s vireo stops to contemplate its next move.

An Overlooked Songbird in Plain Sight

Songbirds come in many varieties. Some, like bushtits, are tiny, while others, like meadowlarks, are large. Some have distinctive sounds, like the onomatopoeia call of the black-capped chickadee. And others have unmistakable plumage, like the male western tanager. But not all songbirds make … read more

Fletcher Bay Winery
The Sip

The Busy Season Arrives at Fletcher Bay Winery

Fall is the time of year when all the winemaking happens. It’s “go time” from mid-August (for some wineries harvesting early-ripening grapes like sauvignon blanc) until early November. For most of the wineries in Western Washington, harvest season means multiple trips back and … read more


Staycation Backyarding

10 Things ‘Master Backyarders’ Do (That All of Us Should Emulate)

Over the last couple of years, we’ve had a lot of practice backyarding. This is the act of doing indoor things — think dining, working, entertaining, exercising and even vacationing — outdoors, like in our own backyards. According to the TurfMutt Foundation, which … read more


apple orchard

How to Create a Successful Apple Orchard

There is a difference between planting an orchard that survives and one that thrives. To create an orchard that grows well and produces quality apples, a number of considerations should be addressed before any trees are planted. Chose the Right Site The site … read more

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