Tag: northwest

Crossland Lush Garden Makeover

A Lush Garden Makeover

You’ve seen the photos in ads for miracle makeovers: the plain little face “before” and voilà! the lovely visage “after.” That same message can be applied to gardens, as was the case with this miraculous makeover of Susan and David Crossland’s garden in … read more

Scott and Lyn Scherer

Living High on Art and the Hi-Fi Spectrum

The Animals sang, “We gotta get out of this place” — and years later, Scott and Lyn Scherer resonated with their angst. After living in Carnation for 15 years, the couple sprung into action due to the increasingly dreadful traffic situation. Thus began … read more

The Artful Ewe II

The Artful Ewe

A wonderland for fiber artists of all skills...

Port Gamble is a community of transformations. The two jade-green water towers, historically the source of the company town’s water supply, currently serve as its greeting sentinels. The old meat and vegetable market adjacent to those structures now houses The Artful Ewe, modern-day … read more

Rouser Forever Home

Slow and Steady Builds a Forever Home

A stunning Bainbridge Island property provides lessons in...

They knew it was trouble from the start. The lot, narrow and sloping, was a big gamble, and Jeff and Meisha Rouser realized there were easier places to build their forever home. Just getting an estimate for the groundwork was a problem; the … read more


victory garden

Tips for Seed Starting Success

You created your wish list, ordered some or all of the seeds you will need, and they are beginning to arrive. Make the most of your investment with a bit of planning. Starting seeds at the proper time, indoors or directly in the garden, … read more

‘Easy Does It’

Roses for Every Garden

Roses are perennial shrubs and the modern varieties bloom continuously from late May until October, while many other perennial plants bloom only once each season. The past 20 years of rose hybridizing has produced many disease-resistant roses that will be in the regional … read more


kids in the garden

6 Tips for Engaging Your Children with Gardening

Growing your garden is a rewarding experience, and it’s even more rewarding when you can include your children in the gardening process. While your children might not be too keen on weeding, there are a number of ways to engage them with gardening. … read more

Iris ‘Eye of the Tiger’

Beyond the Bearded Iris

Thou are the iris, fair among the fairest Who, armed with golden rod And winged with the celestial azure, bearest The message of some god… ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfelllow When mentioning an iris, the most common image conjured up in mind is the … read more


Tom Stockley

New Book Shares Recipes and Journal Pages of Renowned Bremertonian Tom Stockley

Bremerton native Tom Stockley, a longtime wine columnist at The Seattle Times, had a passion for food and wine. He captured that passion, along with the culinary lifestyle and travels he shared with his wife, Peggy, in a cookbook journal. The late couple’s … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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