Tag: northwest

Amy's One Painting


“Restriction” is a 40-by-32-inch, dramatic painting in the “Artist Behind Glass” series that is now featured at the Sidney Museum and Arts Association, located in Port Orchard at 202 Sidney Avenue. This is the Sidney Museum’s 50th anniversary. My 24-piece art show will … read more

Cory Bennett Anderson

Neo-Pop Artist Has a Gift for Telling Stories

Not only is Cory Bennett Anderson amazing and beyond creative, he just radiates a contagious amount of positivity. You can hear how excited his surroundings make him. This excitement is infections as the Poulsbo artist speaks with passion about what inspires him to … read more

A male cedar waxwing passes a berry to a female during a courtship display.

The Bird That Likes to Party

Much like people and domesticated animals, wild birds have their own personalities, unique to each species. Some are introverts, preferring a solitary life. Others appreciate their independence, but loosely associate with a few feathered friends. Then there are the extroverts that spend much … read more

A wild garden floor carpeted in moss

Moss — To Grow or Not to Grow?

Moss is one of those plants that can be both beautiful and problematic, depending on where it grows. Although that’s potentially true of most plants, few besides moss will grow on a roof, a sidewalk or even a car. The key to why … read more


dog in the garden

How to Keep Your Pets Safe in the Garden

If you have pets that enjoy spending time outdoors, it’s important to make sure your yard is a safe place for them to be. Consider these hazards that can negatively impact the wellbeing of your furry friends. Poisonous Plants Some common plants can … read more


larger homes

Bremerton-Silverdale-Port Orchard Area Has Larger-than-Average Homes

The size of new single-family homes has increased substantially in the last few decades. However, a recent trend in slightly smaller homes that began several years ago might be reversed by the COVID-19 pandemic. As homebuyers spend more time at home, they are … read more


Include summer blooming shrubs like this Blue Satin Rose of Sharon to brighten up the summer garden. (Photo courtesy of MelindaMyers.com)

Designing Gardens for Year-Round Color and Protecting Your Investment

Create a colorful year-round garden filled with flowers, greenery, colorful fruit, fall color, winter interest and a few surprises. Consider seasonal interest when planning a new garden or landscape. Adding a few key plants to existing gardens can help boost your landscape’s seasonal … read more

Heblich Gardens

A Garden on a Lake

The magical view from the deck says it all — mountain peaks, placid lake and a garden that beckons you to leave the deck and wander through it to the water’s edge. This lovingly tended garden of Denice and Don Heblich on Wooten … read more

Marina at Jarrell Cove State Park

A Day Trip to Harstine Island

“Suri is the Bengal tiger. Tabbi is the Bengal/Siberian hybrid,” a felid-savvy guide introduces the two wild cats. “Your smells and movements are new so you’re part of today’s enrichment. It’s good for them.” Suri (at nearly 300 pounds) studies visitors through the … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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