Tag: how-tos


spring landscaping

Five Spring Landscape Projects

There is no better time to spend outdoors than when the weather begins to warm up again and everything starts coming back to life. After a winter spent mostly indoors, everyone is ready to get outside and enjoy some fresh air. Preparing your … read more


Mint Brownies

Recipe for Mint Brownies

How lucky you must be to come across this recipe just in time for St. Patrick’s Day. This one is a twisted combination of mint and sweet chocolate that’s sure to have almost anyone’s taste buds screaming “yum.” This dessert might just be … read more

Mason Bees

Mason Bees

Why We Need Solitary Pollinator Bees and How...

Exploring the beautiful Kitsap Peninsula, we can find an array of treasures in all shapes and sizes. From awe-inspiring forests to picturesque beaches and harbors, this region is a paradise for nature lovers. What we don’t often take notice of are the smaller … read more


travel fun

Tips for Solo Traveling

Whether you’re a lone wolf at heart or looking to broaden your sense of independence, traveling solo can be a richly empowering and satisfying experience. Setting out on your own has many practical advantages. You’re not worrying about accommodating another’s schedule, interest or … read more


Wire wall pocket planters dress up walls with color and interest. (Photo courtesy Gardener's Supply Company)

Create a Garden Oasis in Any Size Yard, Deck or Balcony

No matter where you garden, there never seems to be enough time and space to accomplish all your gardening goals. Make the most of every minute and square foot of space in your landscape, deck, patio or balcony. Start with a vision of … read more


Sweet Potato Power Salad

Recipe for Sweet Potato Power Salad

Bright, beautiful spring days often call for fresh, delicious meals that give you energy to enjoy the great outdoors. Whether you’re hitting the pavement for a run, powering up for an afternoon at the office or picnicking with loved ones, nutrition and flavor … read more


(Photo courtesy Modular Closets)

Avoid These Mistakes When Decluttering Your Home This Spring-Cleaning Season

The spring cleaning season is always such a great time to refresh your home and everyday lifestyle. Are you already planning to deep clean your carpets and rugs, clean all of your home’s windows and wipe down all counters and cabinets? These are … read more


Beef and Blue Cheese-Stuffed Mushrooms

Recipe for Beef and Blue Cheese-Stuffed Mushrooms

Welcoming friends, family and neighbors for celebrations of all kinds demands delicious hors d’oeuvres for making guests feel right at home. Next time you invite loved ones for a special get-together, you can beef up the menu with a tasty appetizer that’s as … read more



Stay Safe as You Get Back Outside to Work on Your Lawn and Backyard

Spring is coming, and as we get out our lawn mowers and other outdoor power equipment from storage to work in our yards, businesses and other green spaces, it’s important to put safe practices in place. “Think safety first,” says Kris Kiser, president … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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