Tag: how-tos


Easy Steps for Properly Hanging Your Pictures or Art

Easy Steps for Properly Hanging Your Pictures or Art

If you have just moved into a new house and need to know how high to hang all your pictures, start by holding up an artwork so that the center of it is about 5 feet from the floor. Have a second person … read more


Outdoor Electrical Outlet

Holiday Decorating Begins when you Build or Remodel

When you are thinking about holiday decorating, it is usually after you have built or remodeled — and you realize that you should have put an outlet here or there, or planned for holiday lights. While those things can be added after the … read more


Bird Seed Christmas Tree

Decorating a Bird’s Christmas Tree

If decorating a Christmas tree for the birds sounds like fun, there are a few important things to remember. The most important element as far as the birds are concerned is that it be decorated with food. Variety isn’t important but quality is. … read more


Christmas Home Prep

Easy Updates to Make Your Home Sparkle for the Holidays

You’ve invited all the guests, planned menus and then you realize that it might be nice to do some little fix-ups around the house. Don’t fret, there are lots of little things you can do to make your house look fresh and sparkle … read more


Worm compost set-up with leaves being held for later addition.

Fallen Leaves, a Gift from Above

Fall brings a bounty not everyone is excited about: piles of fallen leaves. In my garden, this abundance feels like early Christmas. All that organic material is at my disposal, and the only cost is a bit of exercise! I hope you will … read more

A Garden for Tea

A Garden for Tea

Tea time will stop business in some cultures; it can also conjure up images of romantic and floriferous parties or bring warm relaxation to a cold winter day. Tea… Is it a ritual, an herb or a beverage? Technically, tea is the plant … read more


Daffodil Flowers
Gardening With Peg

Bulb Planting Tips

There’s still time to plant bulbs, whether it’s directly into the garden or into containers. Bulbs are one of the easiest things to plant and then not much work to do after that. If you choose the correct kinds of bulbs, they’re also … read more


Stuffed Pumpkin

Special Thanksgiving Recipe: Stuffed Pumpkin

It’s that time of year that we all feel it — the urge to go inward, for days at home by the fire with family and friends. It’s that time of year when sunset happens at 4:29. We all tend to eat comfort … read more

Choosing Optics For Any Season

Choosing Optics For Any Season

Join the excitement with your family and enjoy...

Choosing which binoculars to buy is based on a wide variety of factors. The most important are when and where will you be using them and what you want to see. To answer these questions, you must do your homework. “When” and “where” will determine … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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