Tag: horticulture


victory garden

Summer Maintenance Tips for Your Victory Garden

“When the pandemic hit, I decided to plant a vegetable garden.” I’ve heard this from consultation clients and Plantrama listeners for the past three months, and my response is always the same. “Congratulations! You made a terrific choice.” I recognize that the stress … read more

Garden Sheds

The Garden Shed Takes Back Stage in the Garden

Every garden needs a work area: a “behind the scenes” staging space where all the glories of the garden are dressed, groomed and rehearsed until they are ready to make their entrance. This can be a spot tucked away out of sight with … read more


container gardening

Tips for Planting, Growing and Caring for a Container Garden

Container gardens are a viable and popular cultivation option, especially for those who have limited sun-exposed spaces or are looking to start small and learn the basics of gardening. “Containers, whether bought or recycled, are a great place to plant herb and vegetable … read more

The view looking out through the old-growth stump positioned as Philips' garden entrance

Native Plants Feel at Home in Bainbridge Island Garden

On Bainbridge Island, looking out onto Manzanita Bay, Navy veteran Al Philips has been assembling a collection of native plants around his home. Soon after purchasing his lot, Philips began landscaping. At first, he planted all sorts of plants, but soon a love … read more


organic backyards

4 Simple Steps to an Organic Backyard

Because everyone is spending more time in their own backyards now, parents are wondering how to create healthier lawns for their families. You might be surprised to learn that exposure to pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers can be harmful, particularly for growing children. … read more

The Autrands' garden offers spectacular views of Hale Passage.

Gig Harbor Garden Tour’s Lush Offerings

Due to Coronavirus precautions, Gig Harbor Garden Tour...

Variety is the spice of life. This year’s Gig Harbor Garden Tour truly exemplifies that old adage. From elegant, English-style greenhouses to sweet, pocket-sized gardens to big, community raised-beds bursting with herbs, fruits and vegetables, there is something for every garden taste in … read more


regrow vegetables

Want to Regrow Veggies? Here’s What You Need to Know

Editor’s note: This is an excerpt adapted from the book “Regrow Your Veggies: Growing Your Vegetables from Roots, Cuttings, and Scraps,” recently published by CompanionHouse Books. Living in a globalized world has many advantages. Of course, transporting people and goods is much quicker, … read more


pot gardening

Victory Garden 2.0 — Growing in A Container

James H. Burdett did not address container growing in “The Victory Garden Manual,” but times were different in 1943. Today, growing edibles in containers is probably one of the fastest emerging trends. Plus, with vegetable breeders working on more compact varieties, your choices … read more

The shed and raised demo beds

Historic Homestead Becomes Home to Gardens

Imagine being a young woman in Germany in the 1890s and coming alone over the Atlantic Ocean, and across the entire continental United States, to a remote peninsula in the Pacific Northwest. That is what young Dora Gummert did when she came to … read more

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