Tag: horticulture

Roadhouse Nursery

Roadhouse Nursery — Where the Lilies Grow

The Roadhouse Nursery in Central Kitsap plays a distinctive role in the local gardening community. Owners Jan and George Bahr opened the retail nursery in 1985 and have operated it without employees for more than 30 years. Their idea for a nursery began … read more

Rice paper plant (Tetrapanax 'Steroidal Giant') has large, typically evergreen or semi-evergreen foliage.

Extreme Leaf Drama

Pull on your digging boots and grab your shovel. After reading this, you are going to need more garden space. Bigger is better, right? Maybe — yet for foliage, it depends on where the plant grows. For whatever reason plants grow humongous vegetation, … read more


Know Your Soil

Know Your Soil Before You Garden

Editor’s note: These tips were adapted with permission from the brochure “Tips for Water and Rural Management for Puget Sound Rural Living” by the Puget Sound Conservation Districts, adapted from “Tips on Land and Water Management for Small Farms and Ranches in Montana,” … read more

garden books

Gardening Books to Read This Spring

Now that spring is officially here and all the bulbs, annuals and shrubs are planted, perhaps there is time to breathe a little between pulling weeds and watering to do some garden reading. With the Pacific Northwest being a gardener’s paradise, expertise abounds, … read more

Gardening Made Easy for Boomers

Gardening Made Easy for Boomers

As you get older, don’t let your interest...

You’re a baby boomer. Your green thumb, and your knees and back, seem to bend with more effort. (Was 1968 really 50 years ago?) Don’t let your interest in gardening wane — gardening is important to physical and mental wellbeing as you get … read more


Plant Yard

Friends of the Manchester Library Plant Sale Motto: “Green is Good!”

The Friends of the Manchester Library Annual Plant Sale has always tried to make good use of our resource of community-donated plants, or what we call recycling them out into the larger community. We want to be stewards for this lovely place we … read more

Sedum 'Cape Blanco' grows perfectly with other succulents in a pot.

The Pacific Stonecrops — A Sedum of Our Own

Between the cracks of the dark basalt rocks, sedum’s plump rosettes cascade, a cavalcade wash in waterfall gray. Many succulents in the Sedum genus grow around the world. Gardeners love them because they are fascinating plants. Sedum spathulifolium species evolved to grow in … read more

Bremerton City Nursery
Cover Feature

Bremerton City Nursery — A Destination for Urban, Organic Gardening

The Bremerton City Nursery has been part of Bremerton for more than six decades, thanks to two local families. Today, it brands itself as an urban city nursery, and it sells almost exclusively organic products. The Berger family founded the nursery in the … read more


Begonia Viking XL Red on Chocolate is a striking plant great for container gardens. Its large, vibrant red flowers are contrasted with chocolate brown leaves. (Photo courtesy All-America Selections)

Ideas for Container Gardens for Every Occasion

Make every occasion special by designing and growing containers for summer holidays, weddings, anniversary parties or other special celebrations. Pick a color scheme appropriate for the occasion or a variety of colors and shapes sure to add a festive touch. Look for opportunities … read more

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