Tag: garden

Rose garden, pond and waterfall in the Becks' garden
Gig Harbor Garden Tour

Gardens — Oh, the Stories They Tell

This year’s Gig Harbor Garden Tour is going to tell some enticing stories about gardens and how they came to be. Each garden, no matter how small or large, simple or exquisite, has a story to tell. Now in its 21st year, the … read more

Mason Bees

The Orchard Mason Bee

The orchard mason bee, also known as the blue orchard bee, is the Western native pollinator that appears each year in late winter and early spring to pollinate the early-blooming fruit trees and flowers. Its scientific name, Osmia lignaria propinqua Cresson, describes the … read more



How to Make Your Yard a Haven for Wildlife

Last month, my husband and I visited a small public garden in Southwest Washington called the Wildlife Botanical Gardens. The garden is a project of the NatureScaping organization, devoted to showing homeowners ways to attract birds and other wildlife to their yards by … read more


Our State Flower — Pacific Rhododendron

All plants have stories. Perhaps the plant was Grandma’s favorite cut flower. Or it was that green bean variety passed down through generations of family gardeners. Or that pretty veronica whose name you learned on that hike at Mount Rainier. Every kind of … read more



Tips for Creating a Pet-Friendly Family Yard for Summer Fun

People aren’t the only ones who love to spend time in the family yard during the summer months. For the family pet, the outdoor living room serves many purposes — providing a place to relax, burn off some energy, play safely with friends … read more

(Photo courtesy Dennis Jacobson)

Magical Rocky Beach Retreat

Back in the ’50s, Dennis Jacobson’s family vacationed in a rented cabin less than a mile down the road from the retirement home where he and his wife, Betty, live. He knew then he wanted to live right on the water someday. As … read more

Bainbridge in Bloom 2018

The Joy of Exploring the Hidden Gardens of Bainbridge Island

When I first visited the home we ended up buying on Bainbridge Island, the owners excitedly told me that their garden had been on the 2016 Bainbridge in Bloom garden tour. This clearly was the attribute they wanted to pitch more than the … read more


Native plants have deep root systems that allow the water to penetrate the soil surface, providing moisture to plant roots on the way to recharging groundwater.

Manage Water where it Falls for a Healthier Landscape and Environment

Too much, not enough, and never when you need it. This is a common complaint of gardeners. Keeping and using water where it falls is the first step in managing this precious resource. Planting and maintaining a healthy landscape is a good place … read more


Home Drive-In Movies

What You Need for Showing Summer Movie Nights in Your Own Backyard

Looking for a way to get the most out of your summer evenings? Make it a night at the drive-in at home! With the right equipment and planning, you can easily enjoy your favorite movies under the stars, right in your own backyard. … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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