Tag: education

2022 scholarship recipients with Marilyn Colyar (far right,) who leads the scholarship group and the community engagement group

Heron’s Key — Residents Support Education for Local Students, Community

Heron’s Key, a Gig Harbor nonprofit senior housing and service organization, is making a concerted effort to support local education and many of Gig Harbor’s schools through resident-led scholarship programs and community engagement groups. The Heron’s Key Scholarship Group completed its sixth annual … read more

Volunteers for Cascade National Park Butterfly Project track subalpine butterflies. (Photo courtesy Kevin Bacher)

Advancing Scientific and Historic Projects with… Citizen Science

“World’s Oldest European Hedgehog Found by Citizen Scientists,” trumpeted a recent Smithsonian Magazine headline. A 16-year-old male hedgehog dubbed Thorvald had outlived the lifespan of his species by 14 years, surviving habitat loss, pesticides and the No. 1 cause of hedgehog deaths — … read more


work-focused children

How to Help Children Build a Growth Mindset

A new year is a perfect time to consider the habits you want to keep and the ones you’d like to develop. One resolution to consider is helping your children develop a growth mindset this year. “We know one of the greatest boosts … read more


learning finance

Helping Teens Develop Financial Literacy

Developing financial knowledge and effective money management habits are important steppingstones for teenagers to become financially stable adults who aspire to build assets and achieve personal goals. For example, most teens (88%) would like to own a home someday, according to a survey … read more


tire codes

Old Cars, Old Tires — and the DOT

There have been a number of things recently that have prompted me to look into the use of Department of Transportation (DOT) numbers on tires: a recent purchase of a used car with seemingly sound tires and a four-wheel-drive SUV that racked up … read more



How to Create Connections with Your Child’s Teacher

A new school year can feel like uncharted territory for children, parents, and teachers alike as they learn new things and meet unfamiliar faces. Building a relationship with your child’s teacher can help create a positive school experience for everyone involved. Plus, teachers … read more


back to school prep

Tips for an Organized and Stress-Free Back-to-School Season

The new school year is just around the bend. The back-to-school season can be a hectic time for parents, guardians and kids alike, as it means everyone needs to be back on a daily schedule, and homework, tests and after-school activities are back … read more


kids learning

Three Fun, Easy Ways to Keep Kids Learning During Summer

With school out, summertime brings long, carefree days of play and fun. It can be easy to forget how much children learn through play, but they have a natural sense of curiosity. With a little thought and a few supplies, summer is a … read more

Allium giganteum

Allium’s Ornamental Stars

Nature did not create all flowers equal when it came to fragrance. When you view a flower, you instinctively want to bury your nose in it to get a whiff of its scent. Alliums will give you that, just not the sweet aroma … read more

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