Tag: eco-friendly

Mason Bees

Mason Bees

Why We Need Solitary Pollinator Bees and How...

Exploring the beautiful Kitsap Peninsula, we can find an array of treasures in all shapes and sizes. From awe-inspiring forests to picturesque beaches and harbors, this region is a paradise for nature lovers. What we don’t often take notice of are the smaller … read more


Landscaping for Wildlife

March and April are perfect months for selecting and planting woody shrubs and trees. This year, consider adding plants to feed and shelter wildlife, especially birds and pollinators. Choose from both evergreen and deciduous plants. Evergreen plants provide shelter and nesting areas throughout … read more

(Photo courtesy Cheryl Bosley)

How and Why to Landscape Septic Systems

There are over 60,000 onsite sewage systems (OSS) in Kitsap County. How should you landscape and maintain them? What Is an OSS? An OSS has a septic tank where effluent (i.e., wastewater from kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms) enters the tank, solids settle … read more

Custom Rustic Birdhouses

Custom Rustic Birdhouses

Meet Luis Gonzalo Pablo Pablo. Luis is a multi-talented and creative gardener — from his stunning rose bushes to his large variety of vegetables, he has a “green thumb.” Luis was raised in Wenatchee and moved to Kitsap 19 years ago. In his … read more


fall leaves

Composting an Easy Solution to Fallen Leaves

Maple leaves and tree needles are starting to pile up. Do you have a plan for what to do with the excess leaves? Now is a great time to sign up for compost service. Curbside compost service is available to many homes in … read more


Staycation Backyarding

10 Things ‘Master Backyarders’ Do (That All of Us Should Emulate)

Over the last couple of years, we’ve had a lot of practice backyarding. This is the act of doing indoor things — think dining, working, entertaining, exercising and even vacationing — outdoors, like in our own backyards. According to the TurfMutt Foundation, which … read more

Willow and Mabel Garden Co.

A Dream with Petals

When Carolyn Thompson worked in an office nearly a decade ago, doing data entry day after day was tedious. She yearned for something different — and found inspiration in a magazine article about two women who grew flowers in England. This inspired Thompson. … read more


germinate seedlings

Autumn is for Planting: Seed Starting for a Fall Garden

Now’s the time to get started in your fall garden. While it’s viable to find starts at the local farmer’s market or the nearby hardware store, nothing is more rewarding than starting your entire garden from seed. What You Need for Seed-Starting Since … read more

Kitsap Fresh

Kitsap Fresh: Keeping Food Local

Preserving farmland is an indispensable part of Erin Smith’s life. “I want to save farmland,” he shares. “I believe the best way to prevent farmland from turning into developments is to incentivize its use as farmland. In other words, make it easy to … read more

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