Tag: décor

Vegetable garden with banana trees in the background

A Globe-Trotter’s Garden

On a south-facing bluff in Indianola sits a botanical “salad bowl” known as Windcliff. A garden mixture of plants from around the world, it houses a diverse array of species. Plants from China and Vietnam are well represented but South African species especially … read more


Safe Holiday

12 Holiday Safety Tips for a No-Worries Noel

The fun, festive activities during the holiday season make it a favorite time of year for many people. At the risk of sounding like a Grinch, though, all that festivity can lead to unintentional safety hazards. For example, some 30 percent of all … read more

Brad Stave — Artist in Wood

Brad Stave — Artist in Wood

Brad Stave was perhaps born to be a woodworker. First off, there’s his name, “stave,” which means a vertical wooden plank that’s attached side-by-side to similar planks to make a barrel, bucket or other container. Then there’s the fact that he received his … read more


Grow herbs or other leafy greens indoors under a Growbar LED light fixture or near a sunny window.

Plants for Every Room of Your Home

Gardeners know the benefits of digging in the soil. It elevates a person’s mood, improves mental and physical well-being, and the outcome is always good — added beauty or tasty nutritional food. But many of us are stuck indoors for the winter, have … read more

Cat doors in an upstairs window allow Tresco to come and go as he pleases.

A Catwalk Project Fit for a Builder and His Cat

Lynn and Jim McIntyre’s garden is a bird sanctuary. Cedar waxwings visit each year to feed on red elderberry fruit. Nuthatches hop along the trunks of trees looking for insects. Pileated woodpeckers tear apart rotting wood in search of a meal, and sapsuckers … read more

North Kitsap Barn Raising

A North Kitsap Barn Raising

Hunter Thompson had a dream. In his imagination was the perfect house, one of space and light and comfort. His house would be timber-framed with the homespun understatement and straightforward lines of a domestic barn. It would incorporate the highest quality materials and … read more

The Bungalow is Back
Design|Build 2019A

The Bungalow is Back

A Poulsbo neighborhood of 1920s-style homes reflects Craftsman-style...

Walk into Wayne and Anne Blair’s Poulsbo bungalow and it could be 1918 rather than 2018. True to the aesthetic of the Arts and Crafts era, their home features a river-rock fireplace with a mantel shelf made of old-growth maple; stone countertops and … read more


tile projects

Seven Projects You Can Do with Leftover Tile

Have you recently renovated your kitchen walls or tiled your shower or your bathroom floor? If you did, then you must have a lot of leftover tiles. Don’t throw them in the trash — you can put them to good use. Here are … read more

The Garden of Lenore and Don Lynch
The Garden of Lenore and Don Lynch

Putting Down Roots in ‘Plant Paradise’

When Don and Lenore Lynch moved to Kitsap County from Pasco, Eastern Washington, about 10 years ago, they each began a gardening love affair. Lenore, with a strong design background, was swept away by the wondrously greater plant palette of foliage and flower, … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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