Tag: craftsmanship

The Hill Home

The Hill Home — A Labor of Love

The narrow, winding drive that leads to the home of Mike and Eileen Hill does little to prepare you for what you are about to see. As you turn the final corner, the tall trees drop away and the driveway opens up into … read more

Zac Steimle Oceana Ukuleles
Music from the Heart

Luthier’s Ukuleles Built with Tradition

Although Zac Steimle is not a professional musician, he’s been intrigued by the dynamics between an instrument and its player. That natural curiosity, along with a deep appreciation for the art of making string instruments, led him on a journey to start his … read more

Capturing the Light — A Home to Match the View

Capturing the Light — A Home to Match the View

From the beginning, it was a mismatch that invited the question: Why would you take one of the most jaw-dropping views on Earth and design a house that didn’t take advantage of it? Yet that’s exactly what Elizabeth and Bob lived with for … read more

Designer and Artist Terry Logan — The Logger's Daughter
Designer and Artist Terry Logan

Fascination of Good Design Creates a Variety of Interests

Terry Logan (formerly Terry Nokell) was only 5 years old when she first used a needle to sew. With scraps of burgundy corduroy and flowery-indigo cotton left from her outfit for a kindergarten photo, Logan decided to make herself a vest. Of course, … read more

Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry

A meeting of the minds among homeowners, builder...

When a couple of empty-nesters trade the urban asphalt of Southern California for a leafy-green piece of Bainbridge Island, culture shock is guaranteed. Their first job, therefore, is to buy an umbrella, a pair of Birkenstocks and learn the meaning of “frog rock.” … read more

The Beautiful Metal Renditions of Tom Carmichael

When Art Meets Engineering Ingenuity — The Beautiful Metal Renditions of Tom Carmichael

When a renowned Hall of Fame martial artist wanted to capture the story of his life in a sculpture, he turned to Tom Carmichael. A Bremerton metal artist who’s known mostly through word of mouth (forget finding him online, for example), Carmichael created … read more

The Murphy Family Forever Home

House Party — The Murphy Family’s Forever Home

Some houses are best observed in motion. Take, for instance, the home of Sean and Shelley Murphy in Gig Harbor. Sean, a dentist, and Shelley, a former English and Spanish teacher, have four children ranging in age from 5 to 12, so a … read more

Making an Entrance

Making an Entrance

When first impressions count, what does your front...

For years now, the garage has occupied a predominant place in American home design. Many homeowners don’t even use their front doors, opting instead to drive into the garage and enter the house from there or use a side door, bypassing the formal … read more

American Heritage in Bainbridge Island Manzanita Bay

American Heritage

The sons of two American legends were drawn...

By their hundredth year, houses, like humans, have a story to tell. However, while all old-timers have a personal perspective on the past, few have been touched by the history of a nation. On a rise overlooking Bainbridge Island’s magical Manzanita Bay, one … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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