Tag: art


Martha & Mary annual fundraiser

Martha & Mary’s Annual Event to Raise Funds for Quality of Life Programs

Martha & Mary has been an integral part of the Kitsap community, providing programs and services for residents young and old, for 120 years. Like many other local nonprofits, the organization relies on the generosity of the community it serves. On April 26, … read more

Roxy Theater

Now and Then — Roxy Theater

First-run movies and folks who once lined up around the block to get in at the Roxy Theater have long been faded memories. The double-sided, age-worn, empty marquise, the towering vertical sign with missing letters and the huge, old “ROXY” sign — which … read more

West Sound's Vintage Shops
West Sound's Vintage Shops

Everything Old Is Cool Again

Vintage style is hot, and vintage shops are abundant in West Sound. Finding that perfect mix of eclectic and elegant, shabby and chic, or upcycled and uptown is easy with the collection of vendors and vintage experts right in your own neighborhood. Vintage … read more

Design Advice from the Experts
Design in 2015

Design — Advice from the Experts

Looking forward to spring bringing new energy into...

Trends in home design for 2015 run the gamut from simple and strong to bold and reclaimed. Tranquil baths, bold flooring and attention to reusable materials top the list. Trends in home design are similar to trends in fashion. There are always hot … read more


Finding a Place for Art

Finding a Place for Art

Just the title, “Finding a Place for Art,” somewhat connotes that art is playing second fiddle, as if even asking whether there is room for art means one considers not including art. Being in the art and design business for many years, I’ve … read more


Stirrett Gallery Hosts Free Art Walk

Stirrett Gallery Hosts Free Art Walk March 5 to Promote ‘Sample Silverdale’

The Lisa Stirrett Glass Art Studio is sponsoring a free art walk Thursday, March 5, 5-8 p.m. to promote “Sample Silverdale,” a community-wide event featuring sample tastings from Silverdale restaurants, local artwork and merchandise offerings. The event will be hosted at the studio, … read more

2015 CVG Show at the Admiral
Community Scene

The 2015 CVG Show at the Admiral

Each year, Collective Visions Gallery invites fine artists from Washington to participate in a statewide juried art competition, the CVG Show. Many community businesses and organizations join with the gallery to recognize and award substantial prizes to the finest artists. From the many … read more

How to Build a Green Roof Birdhouse

How to Build a Green Roof Birdhouse

Be the First On Your Block To Have...

Buildings with a “living roof” are all the rage with the current focus on ecologically minded construction techniques. Originally European and historically planted with turf grasses, green roofs are popular worldwide for reducing pollution and runoff and improving insulation, among other environmental benefits. … read more


Pyrex Museum

End of the Pyrex Museum

On Feb. 6, a new business project began in downtown Bremerton that does not include the famous little Pyrex Museum. For 10 years, the Amy Burnett Gallery provided commercial space for the not-for-sale vintage bowls and cookware that once so captured hearts and … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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