Tag: art


Skansie Brothers Park

Gig Harbor Brings Back Summer Concerts, Outdoor Movies

The City of Gig Harbor Tourism Department is bringing back the much-loved summer series of concerts and movies at Skansie Park for 2021. Due to state guidelines, both series were unable to occur in 2020. Both events, Summer Sounds at Skansie and Friday … read more

Teresa Stirling Art Studios

Theresa Stirling’s New Beeswax Painting Workshops

No time like now to learn something new — local artist Theresa Stirling has taken her in-studio workshops online by request. Stirling now offers a chance to learn the ancient art of painting with beeswax and fire — and to do it from … read more

Rosedale Gardens

The Inspirational Rosedale Gardens and Nursery

If there’s one good thing that came with the COVID-19 virus in the past year, it’s the increased interest in the joys of gardening. With more time to spend at home and the need to fill the gaps left by social distancing, home … read more

Amy's One Painting


“Listen” (41 by 33 inches) is a painting that took center stage during an awkward period of 2020 when COVID restrictions blanked downtown Bremerton. This was the last year I owned the Amy Burnett Building. The 14,000-square-foot building has display windows that span … read more

Pat Meras painting in a daisy and lavender field

Artists in the Garden

Gardens have been a favorite subject for artists since the beginning of time. Where else can such perfect subjects be found — subjects that flaunt their beauty and just beg to be painted? They don’t charge a modeling fee, need no special costumes … read more

A Welcoming Home
Design|Build 2021B

A Welcoming Home of Security and Comfort

This story starts like an Indiana Jones movie. Before they could build their dream home, Kate and David Beal had to find their property. Find is the operative word here. Arriving at the location marked on the map, they faced a 25-foot-high wall … read more

Abby VanSchaick
Young Entrepreneurs

Abby VanSchaick, Lachic Lash Studio

Abby VanSchaick is the owner and master technician at Lachic Lash Studio of Poulsbo. She opened the studio in November 2019 after moving back to Washington from Portland, where she received her lash technician training. VanSchaick loves meeting new people and always looks … read more

(Photo courtesy Diane Haddon)

The Curious Workshop Beneath the Cedars

Stepping into Diane Haddon’s studio is a tumble down a rabbit hole. The walls, countertops and dozens of small and large drawers spill over with vintage bits of this and that: an assortment of sieves and strainers, metal stamped hands, suns and moons, … read more

CooperHaven at Sandy Hook
Cover Feature

Malibu Vibe

With its endless-summer, beach-house style, CooperHaven at Sandy...

Wetsuits and wakeboards. Swimsuits and sandy feet. Christmas dinners for 18 and a child’s artwork on the walls. Throw in a million-dollar view and a passel of personal touches — and you have arrived at the home of Kelle Kitchel-Cooper and her husband, … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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