Tag: 0006


Kingston Ale House

The Old is New Again in Kingston: Ale House is Coming Back

The Ale House in Kingston is coming back! There’s an underlying buzz in the town, a buzz felt even across the water. That spot in Kingston belongs to more than the locals. Memories of friendly dinners, the food, the sense that you are … read more


Rhubarb custard tarts fresh from the oven
In the Market Now


Unfurling its lush, ruffled leaves while strong stalks blush to a deep pink, rhubarb calls us to savor the strong, tart, acidic taste of a healthy spring tonic. Technically rhubarb is a vegetable, but because it is typically combined with sugar and eaten … read more

Friends for life

A Spa for Your Wild Soul

A chance meeting more than a decade ago was the unlikely beginning of a relationship that today builds confidence and begins transformation for women in an unlikely way. A Spa for Your Wild Soul, women’s kayak journeys, is the creation of Spring Courtright … read more

Scalloped potatoes topped with cheese, hot from the microwave and ready to serve!

Classic Comfort in Scalloped Potatoes

One of the most warming, comforting and filling foods on a cold, blustery day is a bubbling, aromatic dish of scalloped potatoes fresh from the oven. An old-fashioned comfort food that everyone enjoys, a casserole of scalloped potatoes is inexpensive and uncomplicated to … read more

Harbor Family Park

Harbor Family Park — Land Saved for Future Generations

Through efforts led by Gig Harbor citizen-activist Vern Young and a few other community visionaries, a 19-acre forested site was saved from becoming a housing development so that the community, as well as future generations, will have a wonderful park. Young, who died … read more

Big Kitchen Bowls

Big Kitchen Bowls

The elephant in the room, or in this case, a hundred elephants in the room — a bowl. Everywhere and all the time, there is no shortage of these utilitarian items that have one calling — to hold things. Dictionary defines bowl basically … read more

The Gig Harbor Cooking Club

Cooking Club Brings Food and Friends Together in the Kitchen

Learn. Cook. Eat. Drink. Laugh. This is the mission statement of the Gig Harbor Cooking Club, an eclectic group of amateur chefs who have formed lasting friendships through food. The club began two years ago, after one member spent a month in Korea. … read more

Get The Dirt Snowy Owl

Get The Dirt — On Home Gardening

Snowy Owls • Gardening Books

The holidays are a time for resting a bit from gardening tasks and especially a time for friends and family. Since gardening and birds often go together, if you’re lucky, you may see a snowy owl (Bubo scandiacus) passing through this region. It’s … read more


Harvest time at Creek House Farm

Pumpkins and Squash: Beyond the Jack-o-lantern!

Cooler temperatures and shorter days evoke the primal instinct in us to walk along leaf-strewn pathways, set in stores for the winter, and look forward to warming soups and luscious baked goods from our ovens. Perhaps no other foodstuff is better suited to … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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