
Featured Articles from the West Sound. These are the highlighted articles from WestSound Magazine.


(Photo courtesy of Getty Images)

Six Tips to Keep Pets Safe and Warm This Winter

Just as people prepare their homes, cars and families for extreme temperatures and weather events of winter, it’s important to remember pets’ needs this time of year. As cold weather sets in, Dr. Jennifer Freeman, DVM, resident veterinarian at PetSmart, shares these tips … read more


curb appeal

Five Tips for Improving Your Home’s Curb Appeal

It’s no secret that the U.S. housing market is booming right now. According to realtor.com, “strong demand and insufficient supply pushed home prices up at a record-breaking 16.6% pace. The combination of historically low mortgage rates, businesses reopening and the lifting of pandemic … read more

Noah’s Ark Restaurant

Good Food Served Fast at Noah’s Ark Restaurant

When the doors open at 11 a.m. at Bremerton’s Noah’s Ark Restaurant, most weekdays there is a line of patrons waiting to get inside, place their orders and sit down for a hearty lunch. With the Navy yard lunch period starting early, regulars … read more

A female Anna’s hummingbird puffs up to keep warm on a snowy day.

A Hummingbird for All Seasons

Everyone loves hummingbirds. Even people with little interest in other species are captivated by tiny birds that run on sugar and fly forward, backward, up and down and from side to side, and can hover like a helicopter — the only birds with … read more

Coleus Terra Nova ‘Peach Julep’ (Photo courtesy of Terra Nova Nurseries)

New Year, New Plants, New Joy

“She sprouted love like flowers, grew a garden in her mind, and even on the darkest days, from her smile the sun still shined.” ~ Erin Hanson January is not just about resolutions. It is the beginning of a new year, new plants … read more



10 Doctor-Recommended New Year’s Resolutions

While investing in your health and wellness can sound like an overwhelming goal, doctors say that there are easy, tangible resolutions you can make to feel your best and better protect your health. “A new year is the perfect time to consider your … read more


EV Charging Stations

What You Need to Know about Electric Vehicle Charging

Have you been wondering if an electric vehicle is right for you, especially as more models are rolling out from automakers? Living the EV lifestyle is fun and exciting, good for the environment and even good for your wallet — but there are … read more

Augusta Asberry

A Jewel Tucked Away From View

This is not an “Amy’s One Painting,” nor is this even a painting. It’s a public art feature by Augusta Asberry. Have you seen it? Of course you haven’t. It’s public art that the public does not see, for it’s located in the … read more

CVG Show

CVG Show Marks 15th Year

Collective Visions Gallery in Bremerton will host its annual CVG Show from Jan. 22 to Feb. 25. Now in its 15th year from this is one of the most prestigious juried art shows in the state and invites artists from all over Washington … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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