Cover Feature: Our Daily Bread
Citrus fruits ripen in late winter but reach their juiciest best in early spring — before the temperatures get too warm and the trees set their next season of buds. Lemons are known in kitchens around the world for their ability to lighten … read more
From picnics and family reunions to al fresco meals on the patio, flavor and freshness can make springtime dishes truly mouthwatering. As you plan your spring menu for time with loved ones, think outside the box with recipes that can feed a crowd. … read more
If you cross the Hood Canal bridge and drive 40 minutes west on Highway 101, you will drive into Sequim, a small but growing city with a population of 7,280 people. Sequim was first established in the 1890s as a timber, fishing and … read more
Do you know what to do in case of a fire in your home? Many people take precautions such as getting home fire extinguishers or smoke alarms — but may not really be prepared for a fire. A recent study showed that while … read more
Peanut butter and jelly… Mac and cheese… Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds… Perfect combinations make life a little happier. Just like favorite flavors and power couples, your garden can benefit from great combinations, too. Who says veggies need to be relegated to the … read more
Diverse company rents camper vans to tourists, delivers...
Hang out with Greg Dronkert for any length of time and you just might feel like you’re chatting with the Energizer Bunny — that is if the the bunny could only talk. The bunny, of course, is the mascot of Energizer batteries, and … read more
When celebrating with family, there is nearly nothing better than passing a light and sweet dessert around the table. These Simple Macaroons are crisp, dipped in decedent chocolate and completely scrumptious. Simple to make and easy to eat, this sweet dessert is a … read more
From neighborhood grocery stores to local nurseries and your own backyard, plants bring comfort and health. They bring sensory gifts that you may miss or take for granted in your spinning days’ activities. The physical and spiritual value of plants is part of … read more
Radon is present at high levels in a surprisingly large number of American homes, schools and other buildings. While this naturally occurring gas is odorless, tasteless and colorless, it’s far from harmless. Experts are raising awareness about the serious health risks associated with … read more