
Featured Articles from the West Sound. These are the highlighted articles from WestSound Magazine.

Dream Home

Meeting of the Minds Leads to Dream Home

When the homeowners and designer think as one,...

Upon purchasing their Bainbridge Island home in 2012, Renie and Mike Wilson had mixed emotions. On one hand, they recognized the many fine qualities of the place. The setting was lovely. The architecture was attractive. The floor plan was good and the size … read more


The Benefits of Gardening with Children

Slow down. Feel the sun on your face. Feel the softness of the earth between your fingers. Bury your hand in the soil — perhaps you will find a spud, ready for supper tonight. Perhaps you’ll find a tunnel and follow it along … read more

Living Machines

Living Machines — Innovative Technology Turns Water into Renewable Resource

Located on the opposite ends of the Greater Kitsap Peninsula, Bainbridge Island’s IslandWood and Key Peninsula’s YMCA Camp Seymour share many of the same goals. Both offer environmental education and outdoor programs for children, and both are focused on sustainability. One of the … read more

The Paradise Garden of Jim and Sharon Moore

The Paradise Garden of Jim and Sharon Moore

Jim and Sharon Moore of Kingston are only the third owners of a charming historic home built in 1909. The Moores have lived in their home since 1975 and Jim is known to many locals as their favorite veterinarian. The Moore family also … read more

Ocimum "Wild Red" has thick, purple-and-green leaves and pink flowers. It is also highly ornamental and looks great growing with other annuals.

Hail to the King — Basil

The Greeks held high regard for basil (Ocimum basilicum), and named the herb Vasilikos (pronounced vah-see-lee-KOHS), which means king. In India, basil is favored as a sacred herb. Throughout the centuries, the plant was considered the herb of love, yet on the other … read more


Purple Ochre Sea Star

What’s Going on with the Diminishing Sea Star Population?

As many people have noticed over the last few years, there aren’t anywhere near as many sea stars around as there used to be. Beaches that were home to hundreds of stars now maybe have a dozen or perhaps none at all. This … read more

The Wine Cabinet — Sweet Wines

A wine is rendered sweet due to its residual sugar (RS) content. Sweet wines are usually named ice, late harvest, fortified or dessert wines and can be either red or white. The wines selected herein can be found in many of the local … read more

Private Spaces in the Garden

Private Spaces in the Garden

“More than anything else, a garden is a portal, a passage into another world, one of your own thoughts and your making; it is whatever you want it to be and you are what you want to be.” ~ William Longgood Creating your … read more

Poulsbo Fish Park

Poulsbo’s Fish Park — A Study in Community Leadership

In my 25 years of public life, I have come to believe that community leadership is the key to a good community. Leaders create positive change. This was proven true again in 2002, when a very small group of civic leaders decided to … read more

Pony Up Rescue for Equines
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